Anonymous ID: 528935 Aug. 30, 2023, 4:04 a.m. No.19459177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9191

A newly-awakening person might ask if what we’re promoting here is a new religion.


I don’t think so. What we’re doing, more, is chronicling two aspects of the Purification phase of the Ascension we’re involved in.


It’s true that our Ascension is what the prophets meant when they used words like “Salvation” and “Redemption.” There is religious testimony to the advent of the Aquarian Age and the Ascension that ushers it in. But Ascension itself is not a religion. It’s a tangible, historical process.


We call the phase of Ascension in which the dark Ones are removed from positions of power “Accountability.” I call the part in which the light-filled Ones shed their dense overburden of upsets and issues “Growth.” It’s characterized by a movement I call “emergence.”

Anonymous ID: 528935 Aug. 30, 2023, 4:07 a.m. No.19459191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9204


We are, I believe, dropping anything that can’t go forward with us. Preparing our bodies, minds, and emotions for the tremendous jump in energies that is out there ahead of us.


Michael shows us here that the Company of Heaven are bringing us along as fast as our bodies and minds can tolerate:


Archangel Michael: What you have seen is that you have been given bite-sized pieces of energy, of energy bumps, of input of what you can digest and handle and truly bring to fruition. If you are in the process of expansion, you don’t go from Grade 3 to a PhD in a week.


AAM: Every time you especially enter transformative love, that is a snap. It is not the full dramatic snap [Sahaja Samadhi or Ascension] but it is a snap. Each time, you are progressing up what you can think of as a level.


So we’re literally climbing the staircase to heaven, one stair step at a time.

Anonymous ID: 528935 Aug. 30, 2023, 4:38 a.m. No.19459278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9292 >>9361

Your Vibration Creates


Part of the process of moving towards manifesting is being more and more aware of the habit patterns that you carry, [to be more aware of] your thoughts as they are expressed outwardly or even inwardly. The Quantum Field knows no difference between your inner thoughts and your outer expression. They are all your vibration and your vibration creates. When you have a strong, clear, intention, a desire, for something in your life, the more you consciously think of it and feel how it would be to have it, to actually feel as if it is there already, when you feel as if it is there, you are vibrating the frequency of that thing or that person or that situation. You are vibrating that and the Quantum Field responds.

Anonymous ID: 528935 Aug. 30, 2023, 4:41 a.m. No.19459285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9290 >>9293 >>9350

Releasing the Kraken has been unfolding for some time on your world. Many tapped into their multidimensionality already know this. Release the Kraken is not a future proclamation. It is a multidimensional proclamation that all in the Cosmos heard deep and clear, all the way to the depths of Heart of Creation. It was a Cosmic Command, emanating from the Heart of Creation. The Kraken is a mystical being that has multiple legs or arms that can move independently of the others, to execute swift cosmic justice for the injustices allowed to play out in the Serpent’s Den for thousands and thousands of years. And that Kraken, that Multidimensional Kraken, is still rounding up and cleaning out dark forces and factions of this serpent infected planet, to make way for the Divine Clearings and Liberations that are surfacing more and more to those with greater soul sight. The Kraken is God’s Creation’s Tool, one of many, that is helping to rid the world of evil and evil doings.

Anonymous ID: 528935 Aug. 30, 2023, 4:43 a.m. No.19459293   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Releasing your Inner Lion is something you must choose. It is something you must do. The Lion’s Gate has opened. The codes from 2023 are supporting the most epic liberation of all sentient life on any planet in all time. And that liberation not only frees you from the “bad stuff,” but it invites you to create the Good Stuff! Which means that Lion is journeying with each and all of you right here and right now . . . and inviting you to access more of what your Truest Dream was when you incarnated into this life this lifetime. What is the happy thought in your heart center that you know that you tucked away for right now? For this Now moment and Time? We want you to feel into that. What makes your heart so happy that you can still feel the joy of that Divine Instruction and that Divine Dream Seed, beyond the Cries and Revelations of the Cosmic Kraken? What can hold your attention in the feeling of Freedom, and Joy, and Light, beyond any revelations of darkness? Feel that. Find it. And know that that is Quantum Ticket and Cosmic Ticket into feeling good no matter what, as more storms reach the surface of humanity’s collective consciousness, and as more storms reach your personal consciousness? Is there something inside you that you remember so deeply, so well, so truly at soul level . . . that its frequency can outshine and outknow any darkness that wants to come into your path? If so, we are thrilled and delighted to see it. If not, keep looking within. Because it’s there. In every single one of you. You have an ember of the Divine that knows Joy beyond any shadow, beyond any trauma and tragedy, beyond anything you think you are, from 3D perceptions and lifetimes of separation and struggle. You are Resplendent. You are Pure Source Golden White Light. And that is your Cosmic Ticket out of Despair, out of Cognitive Dissonance, and out of any kind of Pain and Suffering . . . and into the Light and Joy of your Best Life Lived in a Whole New Dimensional Experience.


So when you have full financial freedom to choose what you do each day, what are you doing? What are you living? How are you serving? How are your talents helping rebuild this planet and helping sentient life upon it? How are you connecting with Gaia and Source every day, and nourishing that connection as Priority #1? How are you living this new Conscious Connectedness of your Mind, Body, and Spirit? When you no longer work paycheck to paycheck, and you are free through Divine Grace and Multidimensional Liberations to have more leisure time to live and be your unique gifts, do you know what they are? Do you have a dream? Can you describe that dream to yourself? Can you acknowledge it today to yourself? If you feel it but can’t speak it yet, can you indulge the feeling every day going forward, when you take a conscious breath in Union with Source? Consciously feeling your new life goes a long way into making it so! So let’s do it! Let’s feel the brilliance of the Dream, Your Dream, and your Dream Seeds, as a lifeline to Source, as a lifeline to the Higher Dimensional Life you will soon be inhabiting as more changes sweep the planet . . . and end the old systems that corruptly required servants and inmates in the world to run, and as a lifeline to Higher Dimensional Creation which is why you all are here in the first place.