>>1945864 (Last bread)
>Crisis mode.
I seriously doubt this.
They're getting away with murder … literally.
What to the bad guys have to fear? The free beer they are going to get tomorrow?
>>1945864 (Last bread)
>Crisis mode.
I seriously doubt this.
They're getting away with murder … literally.
What to the bad guys have to fear? The free beer they are going to get tomorrow?
"We see all. We hear all."
"We have everything."
Trust the plan ….. to let innocent Americans die on a daily basis.
>Q talks about JA all the time.
And still there is no news of JA.
One of Q's earliest posts: "dis
Disinformation is important. Disinformation is necessary."
Use the two brain cells that God gave you.
Every mention of JA by Q has led to nothing.
Many people rad this board, fucktard … good and bad.>>1946043
JA is a distraction on this board.
Quit being fucking sheep, anons. It's cultish and is the opposite of what Q is trying to teach.
Some of you fuckers have learned NOTHING from the work here.
^ This.
What kind of destructive game are you playing "Q" ?
Wild goose chases with innocent Americans' lives?
And you call your self a Patriot?
If "We hear all. We see all." Then start locking some criminals up!
What is the magic number of deaths before your "Plan" kicks into justice mode?
>read the side by side faggot
You post some shit side-by-side with a Q post and then claim it's truth, without any confirmation from Q or anyone else in a position to know.
You really are a fucking sheep.