stupid images.
you IP hopped for that?
sure, put a hot cup of coffee on a reclining naked person and cover them in beans.
that's really really smart. (end satire)
they are born into a matriarchy and they have been trained since youth to give into what the wickedness tells them.
he asked, in one of his boast posts "which of us is still standing"
but that meme persona is SITTING.
for all of you following the civil war in Boston's progressive dictatorship:
the Mayor is said to have gone on another vacation and to not have informed the head of the city council that he's in charge while she is gone. and she supposedly didn't say when she's returning.
"Boston Mayor Wu leaves town without telling council president heโs in charge, source says "
I have saved this little video and titled it
as others have stated 'they' have tried over and over to 'off' or beloved President Trump.
If they succeeded in doing that they would unleash furies and possible insurrection against what many would say (and scores and scores and millions scores would agree) is a dictatorship in DC.
it would not be a civilt war, but a toppling of an illegitimate dictatorship, many (millions scores) would agree.
I watched an old TV show about how a certain town had people who were callus and indifferent but . . .
the main character was like "I want to prove that they have a good heart, and that New Yorkers are good, despite their gruff exterior"
A dog, in labor (stuck on the subway with them) made all the people rally around and join in the cause of helping her deliver her puppies.
(an Odd Couple episode)
it's true that gruff people who have a hard shell for strangers always melt into concern when the health and well being of Man's Best Friend comes into play.
people without a concern for Man's Best Friend are quick, in my book, to be considered callow and untrustworthy.
spontaneous combustion is a thing, anon.
we were warned about it with films in grammar school.
they painted the boys room and disposed of the rags in an unsafe manner and . . . the movie ended with a funeral for the boy.
imagine showing that to 4th graders!
Posobiec made mistakes. Get over it. His heart was always in the right place. He was tricked.
Store clerk (alledgedly) murdered for a beer and a couple of bottles of water by a baseball bat welding robber.
you ban guns and bats suddenly become weapons of choice.
"SF store clerk has died after violent robbery, family says"
so on the day of the 'nationwide'
"Presidential alert" maybe a
"turn off your TV and Cellphone for the whole day" day should occur.
how can you have a presidential alert when you don't have a real president?
Is that a real image from the mag?
it is thick with occultist symbolism.
When they left Boston for DC I thought 'well, that's the end of that'
it used to be a literary magazine with book reviews and social commentary.
now it's a bull horn for the hypnotized in DC and probably doesn't have very many readers left.
I stopped using bleach to clean the toilets and that really helped me not have strep.
Turns out bleach is fine, and dish soap is fine, but they mix down in the drain and it out gasses back up into the bathroom . . .
and that's not fine.
the article about mayor Wu's vacation doesn't have anything about firearm laws in Massachusetts.