Thanks, Baker
200 years ago, the Natives & Settlers didn't have Politicians.
They sat and smoked the Peace Pipe and resolved things peacefully if possible.
You mean the slaughter and subjugation of the Nation by The Government?
>These people
Anon was referring to the Pipe which stays the same, no matter who smokes it.
Same shit that happens everywhere
Daddy gets son/daughter hired on, and all of a sudden family power becomes more important than community responsibility.
Perception = Reality
The Appearance of Impropriety = Impropriety
Those responsible for Public Funds have a Duty to operate their office without even the appearance of impropriety through radical transparency and accountability.
It seems reasonable to conclude that "Counties" in US States are the Equivalent of Earldoms (Countess) under the Global Royal Hierarchy.
Why do we have them?
Does your County have it's own Pledge of Allegiance and Flag?
Where does the Loyalty lay?
The Civil Engineers staked the territories
By the authority of the Maths, guided by rod and measured by the chain?
The chains of enslavement?
Become the Chans of freedom?
No offense intended personally, Pig.
The idea of a "Sheriff" is what can go fuck itself
They're worse than useless
Stealing sick people's homes and selling them at auction is evil
Heavner or Kensington?
Only the one pots this AM, and some menthols, and some cloves, and some covfefe, for a neutral balance, kek.
Old worn out millstones were used as Mile Markers on the Roman Roads
The Mile Stone also announced the local Ruler and the Local Laws creating the Labyrinthโฆa bizarre empire where everything is different depending on where you stand, but everyone agrees the Roman Emperor can do as he pleases.
More to the point, the Heavener stone in OK and Kensington Rune stone far pre-date Columbus's arrival, and with their "X" marks indicate the original Land Claims of the Vikings.
Like the Nutty Professor?
Just bumbling through life, hiding behind a Degree to maintain tenure, letting your students do the real work?
Some people have to FIGHT for their RIGHTS
They aren't handed a golden ticket in a secret Fraternity ritual
You mean Fraternities and Sororities don't have filing cabinets full of all the old homework and tests available for approved members to use to cheat their way through a 4 year degree, as long as someone gives their "House" enough cash?
"The Adventurer bumbles his way acrosst the African plain, protected from the multitude of Dangers by a Company of Private Hunters and Zulu warriors, and backed by a caravan of cooks and servents. Here, in the Serengeti, man is not the Top Predator."
Remember that time Lewis and Clark flew their heli over North America and GPS'd the place?
"Single-handedly Opened the West to Exploration," right?
Life is a Game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
If half your brian is Male and half is Female, then are all Humans Intersexed, with variations in Gene Expression?
XY = Male
XY != Penis
gay = lighthearted and carefree: "Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face".
Aunt Gay fucked Uncle Bob and had babiesโฆ
So DNA alters with the weather and there is no such thing as DNA "evidence"?
Good to know.
If NASCAR had gone to Electric Cars years ago, Dale Earnhardt would still be alive.
There's no way Dale Earnhardt would be caught dead in an electric go-kart.
They've been trying to "kill Trump" since the 80s.
Only now, has anyone "Admitted" it.
Tucker confirms, "I'm just a real estate guy, and they're trying to kill me."
A climax would be an incontrovertible Public Assassination "attempt" of Trump that is thwarted, publicly, and the House of Cards collapses?
Think about foreshadowing
The missile launch "attempt"
The COIVD-19 "attempt"
So many attemptsโฆ
"We Are Q" = "We" RQ
RQ = respiratory quotient
"we" breathe
The Law of the Living
Not the laws of the dead
Books don't breathe.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
of The United States of America
for whichIT(the flag) Stands
Pledge or Oath?
Situational Binarism
A or B
One or the Other
Pledge the Greek System
Swear to the Opposition