Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 8:21 a.m. No.19460201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Poso and Malcom Flex reveal Fani Willis’ craven careerism: she 'climbs the ladder by any means necessary'

• by: Thomas Stevenson

• 08/21/2023


Jack Posobiec had on political commentator and researcher Malcom Flex on Human Events Daily. The two of them discussed some revelations about Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis such as going after her former employers with the RICO Act and trying to "climb the ladder by any means necessary."


Malcom got on with Posobiec to discuss what he has been able to bring up about Willis. Willis is the District Attorney that brought charges to indict former President Donald Trump for violating the RICO Act.


"Fani Willis has got quite a bit of a career of trying to - let's just say - climb the ladder by any means necessary," Malcom said.


Malcom revealed that one of rapper Young Thug's associates, YSL Mondo, had worked with Willis previously. Willis charged Young Thug and his associates in his organization, Young Stoner Life, with a RICO violation at the beginning of 2023.


"Back when she worked as a defense attorney, she was actually working with YSL Mondo who was one of the co-founders of [Young Thug's organization]," Malcom said. Willis had defended YSL Mondo in 2019 during a case with aggravated assault.


Prosecution said that the use of lyrics in Young Thug's music, social media posts, and music videos were implicated in as evidence that his organization was engaged in gang violence and other crimes in 2023.


Malcom said that Willis, according to YSL Mondo, would display a different image in private than in public. "This is not her character, this is not who she is… [I] had auntie-to-nephew, mother-to-son type of talks with her. I know this [is] not her character," YSL Mondo said in an interview with Rolling Stone.


Malcom said he was also hearing on "back channels" that Willis had a "sexual relationship with YSL Mondo" during the case.


Malcom also said that she "threw her former predecessor… under the bus" to try to get herself taken off a different case in order to pursue the case with YSL Mondo.


According to Malcom, Willis also went after "two of her former employers with the RICO law in order to jam up their whole reelection cycle."


"This whole RICO case, you know, weaponizing RICO, is nothing new," Malcom added.


Posobiec reacted to Malcom's comments, saying, "As Trump would say, 'She sounds like a nightmare."


"She has a track record of being associated with or targeting high profile individuals," Posobiec said. "You're talking YSL, you're talking Young Thug… She's targeting them - not necessarily because she thinks this is the highest-level crime or that she thinks that this RICO is going to go and get everybody - that she's doing it out of her own self-interest."


Posobiec floated the idea that Willis may only be filing the charges on Trump or Young Thug as targets to raise herself up for political office or to be in the spotlight even more.


With the Special Counsel just being announced to investigate Hunter Biden, Posobiec thought that it was convenient that Willis would be "creating a distraction for the Biden White House" as well. He added that would give Willis "all the clout she wants."


Malcom concurred and said that the opportunity for her would be "political advancement on tap" in a way. "It's not beyond the realm of possibility for them to basically call a clout-chasing prosecutor."


"It's not just YSL Mondo, she's cozying up with Shaq, all sorts of different sources," Malcom added. "If you go on her public stuff, you can see photos of her just in the club."


Posobiec concluded by saying that the real question with Willis will be if she can back up all the charges against Trump

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 8:28 a.m. No.19460237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0245 >>0276 >>0434 >>0475 >>0766 >>0941 >>0988

Zelensky tells Lindsay Graham Ukraine will hold elections if US, Europe foot the bill

• by: Jessica Barshis

• 08/28/2023

Ukrainian President Zelensky is causing waves in the West again after the revelation that the US and EU would have to fund any potential Ukrainian election next year. Zelensky sat down for an interview with journalist Natalia Moseychuk on Sunday to discuss his reasoning and logistics.


Because of the ongoing war with Russia, Ukraine is currently under martial law due to the war. Under Ukranian law, elections cannot be held during that time. Zelensky said that it would be possible to hold an election so long as the ability to vote in elections needs to be ensured for all citizens, including those residing on European soil to evade the conflict as well as military personnel.


Zelensky stated, “We need every vote. We won't be able to say for ourselves that this was a very democratic election. We need a legitimate choice. We need this choice to be made by society. So that it does not divide our people. We need the military to be able to vote. They are defending this democracy today, and not giving them this opportunity because of the war is unfair. I was against the elections only because of this issue.”


Because of these circumstances, a huge portion of Ukrainian voting would need to take place abroad, mostly in Europe. With that, comes a substantial cost that Zelensky claims cannot come from credit or from the country’s other budgets being used for the war.


Zelensky reported that he had discussions about this with Republican Senator Lindsay Graham. “I told him: if the United States and Europe give us financial support… if the parliamentarians realize that we need to do this, then let's quickly change the legislation and, most importantly, let's take risks together.”

The Ukrainian President then speaks on the importance of maintaining election integrity during this process, explaining that ample staff would need to be deployed to these out-of-country polling locations.


He said, “Observers should be in the trenches. I told [Graham]: observers must be sent to the frontline so that the elections are legitimate for us and for the whole world. And this is absolutely fair.”


Zelensky had made statements earlier this year that no Ukranian elections would be held until the war with Russia is over. He also said that the war will not end until Russia relinquishes Crimea, which they gained during a 2014 invasion.


In May, he told The Washington Post, “If we have martial law, we cannot have elections. The constitution prohibits any elections during martial law. If there is no martial law, then there will be. Well, the law says that according to the constitution of Ukraine, after martial law ends, I think, in 90 days, elections are held. It’s something like that. I don’t remember actually."


He is referencing the martial law renewal cycle which happens every 90 days. The current invocation will expire on November 15, but will likely stay in place for the duration of the war. He walked back his claim that no elections can be held under martial law on Sunday, insinuating he would consider it only with the help and money of allied countries and with the guarantee that every Ukrainian citizen would have the ability to vote.


"We need help from Europe here, because Ukrainians today are mostly in the European Union. Polling stations must be opened there so that people can come. 7 million people have to vote. We do not have such infrastructural capacities - we need to provide appropriate opportunities there.” Zelensky continued, “How will the military be able to vote? Show me the infrastructure. No one has shown it yet. How will people abroad be able to vote? No one has shown me. There is a way out. I am ready for it. I am talking about this publicly now, I told him. I have no secrets," he said.


The interview was published by the Ukrainian President’s office.

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 8:34 a.m. No.19460276   🗄️.is 🔗kun


His terms are impossible and he knows it, he just want people to believe he is not the Tyrant they all know he is. The outrageous request that other EU countries have to set up polling stations for his citizens fled the country and have no intent on returning, is basically saying FUCK YOU, I'll get kicked out if an election is held. He really doesn't believe any leader would help him. Especially when he and his leaders, have pilfered billions already.


If the countries did do this, all the Ukrainians that left would vote him out! and the majority in the country would do the same thing.

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 8:38 a.m. No.19460293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0300 >>0304 >>0434 >>0475 >>0766 >>0941 >>0988

Australia's first female PM can't say what a woman is


by: Katie Daviscourt 08/27/2023


Australia's first female PM can't say what a woman is

The first female Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, was unable to define the term "woman" after being asked to do so during a women's advancement event at the Governor's House in Adelaide on Friday.


Biddy O'Loughlin, a musician and member of Women's Rights Network Australia, asked Gillard, "What is a woman? And do you agree with Queensland's Attorney General Minister for Women, Shannon Fentimen, that trans women are women? And with the UK's leader of the Labour Party, Kier Starmer, that some women have a penis?"


Instead of providing the factual definition that a woman is a biological female, Gillard claimed that as long as an individual identifies as a woman through their "mind and soul" telling them that they are, than community members need to treat their decision with "love, inclusion, and respect."


"I think we've just got to move away from all of that and just come at least once again from first principles and say to ourselves, 'We as a community, full of people with diverse stories and diverse life experiences, amongst that rich diversity…There are a number of people who genuinely believe that they are trapped in the wrong body, and they want to be recognized as the gender that their mind and soul has always told them that they are," Gillard said during the event.


"And that doesn't go one way. It goes both ways… People who have transitioned from being men to being women and women who have transitioned to being men. And I think we've just got to say like we want to show everybody else in the community love inclusion and respect, we should do that," she concluded.


The inability to define the term "woman" has become a worldwide phenomenon, as progressive left-leaning politicians and lawmakers choose to replace science with virtue signals to appeal to the far-left activist class. In the United States, one of the most notable incidents of the inability to provide the standard definition of the term woman came when Senator Marsha Blackburn asked then-nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson to define the word during Joe Biden's Supreme Court confirmation hearings.


Australian leaders are getting worse and worse with every cycleIt's become the penal colony it started out as.

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 8:45 a.m. No.19460342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0345 >>0347 >>0434 >>0475 >>0766 >>0941 >>0988

30 Aug, 2023 14:34

Kiev turns down peace advice from NATO country leader

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has urged the US to drop its “bad policy” of military confrontation with Russia and seek peace


The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has lashed out at Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, after he reiterated his stance that there can be no military victory for Ukraine and that the US needs to stop arming Kiev and seek peace with Russia instead.


Officials in Kiev “have been worried that Viktor Orban had not urged stopping weapon supplies to Ukraine and legitimizing the Russian aggression for some time,” Oleg Nikolayenko said somewhat sarcastically in a Facebook post on Wednesday, reacting to the Hungarian leader’s remarks.


“Ukraine does not sell out its territories or its sovereignty. And neither will the world,” the Ukrainian diplomat added.


Orban has long maintained that the West was making a mistake by pursuing military confrontation with Russia in Ukraine. He reiterated this assessment during an interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson, which he published on Wednesday on X (formerly Twitter).


Carlson asked Orban about his opinion of the Ukraine conflict and whether NATO had provoked it, which is the perception of the former Fox News star host. The Hungarian leader suggested that Ukraine could have been brought into NATO in 2008, when the possibility was raised by the US against Russian objections.


“Russia was not strong enough to stop it, so there was a real chance at the time to integrate the Ukrainians into NATO. But it was rejected” by European allies, he said.Now Russia is stronger, so “the window of opportunity is not open anymore.” The US-led bloc “cannot afford” having Ukraine as a member bordering a hostile Russia, Orban argued.


“We should make a deal with the Russians on a new security architecture to provide security, sovereignty to Ukraine, but not membership in NATO,” he urged.


The Ukraine policy promoted by NATO is aligned with the US approach, which seeks to “crush” Russia with Ukrainian hands, Orban explained, adding that this “bad strategy” has not worked and should be dropped in favor of peace talks, which, he pointed out, is what Budapest has been advocating since the start of the conflict.


Kiev is losing its troops, including ethnic Hungarians, and will run out of manpower long before Moscow does, the prime minister estimated. But if any Western nation were to put boots on the ground in Ukraine, it would be a direct Western war with Russia resulting in a world war, he warned


(I can't wait for the day that all Ukraine's so called allies, drop Zelensky and Ukraine like the plaque, and they never help them again.)

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 8:52 a.m. No.19460394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397 >>0399 >>0434 >>0475 >>0766 >>0941 >>0988

30 Aug, 2023 11:15

Russian warplanes sink Ukrainian speedboats in Black Sea – Moscow

The attacks took place near Snake Island, which was heavily contested early in the conflict


Russian warplanes destroyed two Ukrainian military speedboats and their crews in the northern part of the Black Sea in separate strikes on Wednesday, the Defense Ministry has said.


First, the ministry reported that a Russian Su-30 fighter jet had sunk a speedboat to the east of Snake Island, near the Ukrainian port of Odessa and Romanian territorial waters.


A few hours later, it issued another short statement, announcing the elimination of a second Ukrainian motorboat by a Su-24 bomber west of the same island.

Overnight, Moscow also reported sinking “four military speedboats carrying a landing force of Ukrainian special operatives, numbering up to 50 men” at an undisclosed location in the Black Sea.


Last week, the Defense Ministry published footage of what it said was a Russian fighter jet destroying a US-made speedboat carrying a Ukrainian amphibious team near Snake Island.


Russian forces captured the small island of just 0.17 sq km in the initial days of the conflict with Ukraine.


t the time, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed that border guards defending the territory had died as heroes while facing overwhelming Russian forces. However, it later emerged that they had opted to surrender.


Snake Island was heavily contested during the early months of fighting between Russia and Ukraine, changing hands on at least two occasions.


Moscow announced a troop withdrawal from the island in June 2022, describing it as a goodwill gesture in response to claims that it was preventing grain from being shipped out of Ukraine.


Despite attaching symbolic significance to the location, Ukraine has not been able to re-establish a military presence on Snake Island due to Russian warships and planes operating in the area.


(Someday Russia is going to tire of the terrorism and do something more drastic. Ukraine lost the war, so they revert back to constant terrorism.)

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.19460416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0434 >>0475 >>0766 >>0941 >>0988

30 Aug, 2023 13:36

Wildfires break out near major Russian resort city (VIDEO)

The mayor of Gelendzhik says more than 400 people are involved in attempts to put out fires that have spread to over 100 hectares


Authorities in the city of Gelendzhik in Russia’s Krasnodar Region have introduced the highest level of fire-hazard warning and are asking locals to help battle raging wildfires that have broken outnear the popular Black Sea resort.


The fire initially started on Tuesday near the district of Kupriyanov Schel and covered an area of about 1.5 hectares. Despite firefighters being deployed and a Mi-8 helicopter dropping 5 tons of water on the blaze throughout the night, it continued to spread.


The local administration has issued a message on its official Telegram channel asking all Gelendzhik residents who have experience fighting forest fires, and have equipment such as knapsacks and extinguishers, to help battle the flames.


On Wednesday morning, Gelendzhik mayor Aleksey Bogodistov reported on Telegram that the wildfires had spread to 118 hectares and that over 80 vehicles and 441 people, including a number of local volunteers, were attempting to extinguish them. He also stated that two BE-200 amphibious aircraft and two MI-8 helicopters were operating at the scene.


“Today, more than 120 tons of water have already been dropped by helicopters on the fires. Extinguishing continues in difficult conditions with strong winds with gusts of up to 30 meters per second and difficult terrain,” the regional department of the Emergencies Ministry reported.


It was noted that efforts to extinguish the fires are being complicated by hot, dry weather and the fact that the flames are spreading up a steep mountain slope.


However, officials claim that there is currently no threat to any settlements or economic facilities.


Avialesookhrana, a state company responsible for monitoring wildfires in Russia, has suggested that the initial cause of the fire was human negligence and a violation of forest fire safety rules.The Emergencies Ministry press service also supported the theory that a human factor had played a role in the outbreak of the fire.


“There was no threat, no abnormal heat. We have declared high fire hazard classes – the fourth and fifth, and introduced a special fire regime, we have dry hot weather, of course, a human factor is assumed,” an agency spokesperson said.


The regional Ministry of Natural Resources has said it is too early to assess the environmental damage from the fires, but noted that its employees will start work at the scene as soon as the flames are put out.


The head of Russia’s Federal Forestry Service has stated that emergency workers expect to localize and eliminate the fires by Wednesday evening.

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 9:08 a.m. No.19460446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

30 Aug, 2023 02:20

Washington is waging war on Russia ‘to the last Ukrainian’ – Moscow

Russia’s embassy in the US condemned the new arms shipment as “the height of hypocrisy”


The US government has announced another round of military aid for Ukraine worth $250 million, including artillery shells, air defense munitions and mine-clearing equipment. The latest weapons transfer comes as Kiev attempts a wave of attacks on Russian cities as part of its straggling summer offensive.


The State Department outlined the new lethal aid on Tuesday, noting that Ukraine would receive additional munitions for the HIMARS rocket system, AIM-9M air defense missiles, Javelin and other anti-tank weapons, as well as 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition.


Russia’s embassy in Washington later condemned the weapons transfer as “the height of hypocrisy,” saying US officials “will not give up the concept of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian.”


The embassy went on to connect the aid to recent comments by US Senator Mitt Romney, who declared that American assistance to Kiev was helping to “weaken” both Russia and China at a bargain price, calling the aid “the best national defense spending I think we’ve ever done.”


“Without a second thought, [Romney] said bluntly that ‘the United States is diminishing and devastating the Russian military for a very small amount of money. We are losing no lives in Ukraine,’” the embassy continued. “His words dot the i’s and cross the t’s. The lives of citizens of other countries do not matter much.”


Drawn from existing stockpiles, the new $250 million arms package brings direct US military aid to Kiev to more than $43 billion since the conflict with Russia escalated last year. Despite significant support from Western sponsors, Ukrainian forces have struggled to reclaim territory in their much-vaunted summer counteroffensive.


Though Kiev is aiming to capture a swath of land toward the Azov Sea coast in the hope of severing Moscow’s land bridge into Crimea, behind the scenes US intelligence officials have raised doubts about its chances for success, according to the Washington Post. Instead, officials believe Ukraine will fall “well short” of its “principal objective.”


Amid lagging efforts to reclaim land, Ukrainian forces have increasingly turned to strikes further into Russian territory, including a series of attempted drone bombings in Moscow in recent weeks. Early on Wednesday, Russia’s Defense Ministry said air defenses continued to intercept UAVs, and had repelled several coordinated attacks across five different regions

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 9:32 a.m. No.19460532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0766 >>0941 >>0994

30 Aug, 2023 04:52

US prepares drone swarm ‘hellscape’ for China

The Pentagon hopes to field thousands of UAVs in several domains over the next two years


The US military has launched a program to develop “drone swarm” technology, the Pentagon’s number-two official has said, suggesting the new systems are intended for a future conflict with China.


Speaking at a National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) conference in Washington, DC on Monday, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks outlined the weapons program, dubbed “Replicator,” which aims to deploy thousands of UAVs simultaneously on the land, sea and air.


The official said that while the US military still benefits from systems that are “large, exquisite, expensive and few,” it has been slower to adopt platforms which are “small, smart, cheap and many,” such as small, easily-produced drones. She argued that the Chinese military has superior “mass” over US forces – “more ships; more missiles; more people” – and stressed the need to overcome that advantage with innovative weapons systems.


”We’ll counter the [People’s Liberation Army’s] mass with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit, and harder to beat,” Hicks said, adding that while Beijing was “relatively slow and lumbering” during the Cold War, it has since developed forces to “blunt the operational advantages we’ve enjoyed for decades.”


To reclaim those advantages, Hicks said the Replicator program would work to field “multiple thousands” of UAVs across several domains, hoping to complete the project within two years.


Though Hicks shared few other details about the initiative, Admiral John Aquilino, who leads the US Indo-Pacific Command, said the drones would be helpful in a future conflict with the People’s Republic, as they could strike a large number of targets spread over a wide area.


“Here's a metric for me: 1,000 targets for 24 hours,” Aquilino said, adding that his command has worked with DARPA to create systems that will collect and integrate targeting data for an entire theater faster than before, through a program named “Assault Breaker II.”


“The components in INDOPACOM have been experimenting now for the last five to 10 years with many of those unmanned capabilities. Those will be an asymmetric advantage. So operational concepts that we are working through are going to help amplify our advantages in this theater…there's a term, hellscape, that we use,” the admiral continued, referring to a potential war with China.


Earlier this year, the US, UK and Australian militaries held a joint “capabilities trial” to show off new AI-powered drone systems, which were deployed as a “collaborative swarm to detect and track military targets,” according to the Pentagon. While it is unclear exactly how artificial intelligence will factor into the Replicator program, the three allies have placed increasing focus on Beijing in the Indo-Pacific, vowing to develop and deploy new military capabilities in the region to counter China

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 10:11 a.m. No.19460711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

30 Aug, 2023 04:52

US prepares drone swarm ‘hellscape’ for China

The Pentagon hopes to field thousands of UAVs in several domains over the next two years


The US military has launched a program to develop “drone swarm” technology, the Pentagon’s number-two official has said, suggesting the new systems are intended for a future conflict with China.


Speaking at a National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) conference in Washington, DC on Monday, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks outlined the weapons program, dubbed “Replicator,” which aims to deploy thousands of UAVs simultaneously on the land, sea and air.


The official said that while the US military still benefits from systems that are “large, exquisite, expensive and few,” it has been slower to adopt platforms which are “small, smart, cheap and many,” such as small, easily-produced drones. She argued that the Chinese military has superior “mass” over US forces – “more ships; more missiles; more people” – and stressed the need to overcome that advantage with innovative weapons systems.


”We’ll counter the [People’s Liberation Army’s] mass with mass of our own, but ours will be harder to plan for, harder to hit, and harder to beat,” Hicks said, adding that while Beijing was “relatively slow and lumbering” during the Cold War, it has since developed forces to “blunt the operational advantages we’ve enjoyed for decades.”


To reclaim those advantages, Hicks said the Replicator program would work to field “multiple thousands” of UAVs across several domains, hoping to complete the project within two years.


Though Hicks shared few other details about the initiative, Admiral John Aquilino, who leads the US Indo-Pacific Command, said the drones would be helpful in a future conflict with the People’s Republic, as they could strike a large number of targets spread over a wide area.


“Here's a metric for me: 1,000 targets for 24 hours,” Aquilino said, adding that his command has worked with DARPA to create systems that will collect and integrate targeting data for an entire theater faster than before, through a program named “Assault Breaker II.”


“The components in INDOPACOM have been experimenting now for the last five to 10 years with many of those unmanned capabilities. Those will be an asymmetric advantage. So operational concepts that we are working through are going to help amplify our advantages in this theater…there's a term, hellscape, that we use,” the admiral continued, referring to a potential war with China.


Earlier this year, the US, UK and Australian militaries held a joint “capabilities trial” to show off new AI-powered drone systems, which were deployed as a “collaborative swarm to detect and track military targets,” according to the Pentagon. While it is unclear exactly how artificial intelligence will factor into the Replicator program, the three allies have placed increasing focus on Beijing in the Indo-Pacific, vowing to develop and deploy new military capabilities in the region to counter China

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 10:18 a.m. No.19460747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0766 >>0941 >>0994

Bill White: Brain Kemp's "Disgrace" To Georgia For Allowing The Political Persecution Of Trump


Talks about Trump and what has happened to GA, since former mayor, Lance Bottoms fired the cops that shot a guy that refused to stop. After that 1,000 cops quit and now the crime is out of control in ATL. He sites statistics you are more likely to get shot in ATL then in Chicago now


(btw Lance Bottom's father was a black panther too, and she is now the Communications director at the WH)

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.19460772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0797 >>0811 >>0826

Bill White: Brain Kemp's "Disgrace" To Georgia For Allowing The Political Persecution Of Trump


Talks about Trump and what has happened to GA, since former mayor, Lance Bottoms fired the cops that shot a guy that refused to stop. After that 1,000 cops quit and now the crime is out of control in ATL. He sites statistics you are more likely to get shot in ATL then in Chicago now


(btw Lance Bottom's father was a black panther too, and she is now the Communications director at the WH)

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.19460811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0853


Willis hired a PR firm at $10,000 how much publicity she would get by going after Trump. And 250 murderers, rapists, etc. prosecutions are on hold to prosecute Trump. The firm said she got $2 million in free publicity

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 10:32 a.m. No.19460826   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Really excellent revelations on what is going on in GA,with Willis and Kemp and the government there. Kemp is trying to go to higher office so he wants to keep allies on the left

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 10:49 a.m. No.19460906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0941 >>0994

Bruce Levell: Fani Willis Has Created "Dark Cloud" Over Atlanta, Forever Staining Fulton County




Fani Willis grew up in CA and Washington DC. It was the lefts promise and goal to turn GA blue, so they infiltrate it with haters of a state that believes in conservatism, this is their major goal, too important to the cause of America


We used to have massive transplants, is now decreasing overall. Fortunately we have determined red counties, but ATL, has the biggest population, ATL has the majority of the poor and black and intentionally uneducated. Look up the Dekalb county school scandal. More blacks are arrested and in jail, and the black leaders don't care.


Willis gets more donations outside of the state of GA, in a major way

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 10:55 a.m. No.19460936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0953

BREAKING: Harrison Floyd Joins WarRoom Shortly After Fani Willis' Released Him




He is limited on what he can say. He says he was targeted because he knew what happened in 2020, and they fumbled the cover up. He said his arrest was a tactic they use a lot the, "negro wake up call" if they don't stay in line and vote democrat

Anonymous ID: ebaa1d Aug. 30, 2023, 10:58 a.m. No.19460953   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bannon asks why it took so long to get out of jail: he hesitantly says, "I'm a black man in GA", that's all I can say. In other words they use this as a tool to keep the negros in line