he aha ka ʻai ʻana iā joshua
E hoʻomanaʻo i ka nānā ʻana i kāu joshua a me daniel no ka wati kīʻaha rolex
e makaala no ka pedosta varus
obama is having faggot seks for your gas prices
hawaiins do not have words for all this juw seks
sensitiVity train equity
FEMA sends fancy ham
Pono ka musubi i ka soy
ʻAʻole kani ʻia ka alram keʻena kinoea
>There is no 3 letter agency ultrafag that can even come close to the sheer audacity and potency of my shitposting.
>Every shitpost of mine enlightens and warps the fabric of space / time.
blackrock melts aluminum when blue laser crack pipe
>blackrock melts aluminum when blue laser crack pipe
chuuts frudyburger in dead cow cult bun
alumini hoʻoheheʻe ʻia i ka mauʻu invasive
active child slavery in texas just got clickbaited on jutube
what ever you have to tell your sorry faggot asshole in the morning