Anonymous ID: 2da4f4 Aug. 30, 2023, 5 p.m. No.19462941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2983

>>19458953 pb

>>19458848 pb

>>19458875 pb


>>19458096 pb


I think that due to the luciferian programming from centuries of being under the spell of a death cult and being controlled thru fear, that we listen to this guy and our cognitive dissonance makes it seem like the dude is crazy and so most Anons sort of dismissed this video as bullshit. What he says is what I have known for years, tho, and even though it sounds crazy, take a moment to process what he is ackchyually saying. The US Constitution gets suspended when we go under military law. They have caked on law after law after law on top of the Constitution in order to shape the justice system against us for their "great work" to bring in the nwo. So it makes sense that 80% of the shit would get deleted if we are going to be free for the first time ever.

I don't know if a person can go on social media and say he is a Marine, if he is not one and IDK if a person can say he is a Marine AND threaten the enemy with torture. To me, we have cognitive dissonance so the guy sounds crazy, but can a guy say he's a Marine and threaten to torture, and would a Marine bow down to the enemy or talk to it the way this guy is? He says that they have to brainwash us for freedom now bc we've been held captive for so long that we are stuck in fear.

Anonymous ID: 2da4f4 Aug. 30, 2023, 5:07 p.m. No.19462983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2992


He says they're going to kill the police first. OK well, if we are at 80/20 with patriots at the 80 in order to avoid a civil war and patriots don't shoot police then who would shoot the police? Well, we can look at BLM riots during the summer of love. We saw them kill cops (member one got clobbered with a stone on his head n they were coming up on cops n killing them. We watched murders of civilians too. We watched them destroy everything and burn down entire police stations, member? So

Dr. Jan Halper said the concern is if the military steps in to say there was election interference, are there going to be riots? Riots by whom? Not MAGA bc why would we? So in my mind, they step in and lelection interference gets announced and blm and antifa riot via the illegal immigrants. They kill people out in the open again til it gets so bad that we all know the military has to step in. That is what I think he is talking about n meanwhile there's the covid lockdown/forced injection/fema camps as per biden to try to get us to riot too but we've been told to be smart n stay inside. We've al;ready been thu this shit before.


So, that's what I think is about to go down. Military heavy lifting vs enemy combatants in the major cities like I was told last year. SOurce said what's coming going to be gruesome, well, this would make sense now.


I think we have cognitive dissonance when we hear this guy tell us what's about to go down. Member Dr. Halper said next phase was to teach us what martial law looks like bc we think of it like a banana republic? And here this Marine guy shows up telling us he's an utist n can't be brainwashed (um.. that's talking to us, imo) then says what military law going to look like.

Anonymous ID: 2da4f4 Aug. 30, 2023, 5:51 p.m. No.19463226   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think he's part of a psyop to brainwash the normies awake, etc. You know how A listers sell their soul to the devil n then rise to fame n say how they came from a hard background and all the struggle til they finally got a break, and it's a lie because we know what they do to get famous? I think this dude can make shit up too, but opposite way, in order to shift the paradigm.

Idk, maybe his fame is organic but the ghost in the machine can do shit like that.