in anons humble opinion THIS
only thing makes any sense
they have nothing to fear and and are just rubbing our noses in thier corupption and evil plans
i like to believe first option
in anons humble opinion THIS
only thing makes any sense
they have nothing to fear and and are just rubbing our noses in thier corupption and evil plans
i like to believe first option
meme makers meme makers please make me a meme
split pic left side people being throwen into volcano as sacrafices
right side clot shot or killing cows/burning food places down
quote in left how they foght climate change in the past and on the right how they fight climate change today
he should have just said 2 weeks
dont forget to brush your teeth 20 times a day and use floride strips to keep em nice and white
they used to select 1 person a year as winner of darwin award
in future i think we may have to have full graveyards depicting the winners each year
true always a few runner ups
my fav was old guy in lawn chair and weather ballons his plan was float up have a few beers some snacks shoot out the ballons slowly go down,,,,got scared didnt shoot ballons got spotted by passing plane got rescued lived
and still won that year
>>19464040 int he what were they thinking catagory
even in this day and age alot of people read # as pound
love that they named there anti rape movement poundmetoo
when the memes wright themselfs
not me you were argueing with but you know that was probley yourself
oh i speak for everyone boomers boomer haters shills patriots even qanons
what i say is unilaterl truth and consensus
hmm and no demertis for spelling i like this class
anon been drinkin my bad ill shut up