Thank you baker
>Tyvm ;)
Damn I was gonna call it not there (weatherunderground didn't see that far out I guess?)
Accuweather has it tho, should keep going northeast.
Incriminating tape worries the White House?
Kek that would be a first, they have no fear of rule of law.
Dunno Greg seems like a bit of datefagging.
Blessings anon o7
What does the Lord say about shepherds leading His sheep astray?
Just saw this & I think he's right.
Not just the elites either the normal sick fuck wan't it too.
LGBTQ+++ is a front for the PEDOvores
>Will just tell him anon identifies as a donkey if treatment is needed.
Kek, never know nowadays.
Haha looks will change, Droopy