>Depends on the what means and what ends.
Yep and who decides
>I don't feel bad about not feeling bad if they go extinct.
I do, because I know there has been a multi-decade campaign to make them this dumb before the hammer came down.
>vicious little virtue-signaling tyrants?
I think that's a small minority.
I'm just talking about the majority of dummies who went along to get along, not the active haters
Yeah I have triggered people like that for 30 years.
Now you're all in my timeline and I love it
> I would not be upset if people started holding those "people" that push the plunger to account.
>scavino ivanka and jared and hope at whitehouse it was posted at QR Dec 2020
nice pic
Dec 2020?
>Dont keep falling for stupid shit Anon.
I still remember when RRN ran a "cheney executed" bit & he showed up at the Capitol the next day and no one knew why, and it totally seemed like he was trying to prove he was alive
That was when rrn seemed a lot more plausible than it does today…
Ralph nader always ran when bush was running to take votes from the dem
They heavily promoted Nader on SNL in the years before the 1980 election for bush
They couldn't overtly promote the republican, because mockingbird gotta mock
But they could pull dems to nader
anons have said it symbolized the controlled demolition of America
the crowleyism is big for them
>It certainly appears like cabal is behind it, but good guys couldnt or chose not to stop it.