Anonymous ID: dfd0a8 Aug. 31, 2023, 1:37 a.m. No.19464864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4873

Regarding Trumps MULTI Precedent Setting Arrest


Trump surrendered peacefully, on charges that can carry the death penalty or centuries in jail. Even when he and so many others thought it was all biased in every possible way he still surrendered peacefully; like innocent people do. There's your precedent.


I'm sure if a dozen well known DS players were similarly indicted they would also shout "Bias! Bias!" but would they also surrender peacefully, like Trump and company did? Or, would some find an easier way out; like guilty people do.


If a few big names chose to shuffle off this mortal coil in lieu of a public trial, it ALL comes crashing down. All of it. Even if they just bugout to a bunker in some foreign land or otherwise disappear, a spectacular train wreck of the whole 'narrative' would immediately ensue. When the second plane hit the WTC on 9/11 everybody instantly KNEW it was an attack. Likewise, everyone will know they are ALL guilty once a few confirm it.


Then the chain reaction starts. They'd all be fighting and rage-quitting or running and hiding. Then a PROPER effort to pick up the stragglers could happen with near 100% public support, even if it meant using military means. A chain reaction that could play out very much like an avalanche, from a physics perspective. How many sealed indictments are we up to now? WW? Lots of snowpack.


Where would it all finally come to rest I wonder. Where are the roots of the problem? Who would be, as it were, last? Maybe a nice, predictable little cherry to top off the shit sundae of the millennia?


The mugshot was the signifier. Guilty people don't turn themselves in. Checkmate.


Steady as she goes.