Stories like this from RRN are so incredibly unbelievable. No way in fucking hell could something like this nor all of the other articles we've seen from RRN, be happening. That's one side of this coin. The other side is that one has to ponder, even for just a moment, that all of this shit could very well be true.
Who here knows one way or the other? Rhetorical question. Answer? No one. Given the stark fact that everything we think we know may very well be the exact opposite. Everything needs to be questioned, scrutinized and corroborated to prove one way or another it's validity.
Soft disclosure? is there such a thing? I believe so as we've all been targets of this kind of psy op for as long as we all have been alive. News, movies, academia, madison ave. among other avenues of manipulation.
I don't fucking know. At this point, anything is possible. I sure would like for all to be true but like I said, only for a moment, am I able to ponder this one way or the other.