Optical illusion, anon.
Freemasons can worship whatever they want, or not worship anything…it's the basis of United States freedom of religion.
Oh my fucking god, Anons! Let's get off this Mason bullshit! For fuck's sake, there is other research to be done. Researching Masons for handshakes and links to the United States government and symbols on dollar bills is a total waste of fucking time!
I do know how big it is, it is just researching Mason shit is wasting time researching other things. The only research I am reading on this board right now is Masonic handshakes and statues of Baphomet. Seems like a waste of effort, and just popcorn and candy right now. I don't think Q wanted us to research Masons…that research has already been done. Q wanted us to search for Masonic connections with mass shootings today and in the past. Those are the posts that I am interested in, not handshakes and Masonic ball rubs.