buh bye too!
>Aliens are a psyop.
I agree.
You are unique!
Such an amazing being!
lie, cheat, steal……….
I fucking love this one.
You may be good looking but I bet that you're very stoopid.
Good for fuck, and see you next time.
go take your porn and shove it up your azz.
your whores are useless.
in biserica si dumnezeii ma-tii de monsstru, cu demonii tai, sugea-mi-ati pula, scarbe infecte.
balega galactica.
blestemata fie ziua in care am intrat aici, si voi sa aveti o eternitate de zile, cum le-am avut eu, alaturi de voi.
si mai rau, caci eu nu v-am facut nimic, iar voi, crima cu premeditare.
>gathering our prayers
prayers do good……..
I live the results of them.
Look around the globe, people pray for many years……….
all it is amazing.
here it is paradise.
and q helped us.
trust wray
election it is secured………..
hey,jew, cock sucker!
jesus said give caesar what's caesar's………to a man in the market, who refuse to pay taxes to romans………..
all it is fine.
balega galactica, sa sugi pula, cu ma-ta si tot neamul vostru.