Anonymous ID: b9da1b Sept. 1, 2023, 4:49 p.m. No.19474647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4719 >>4759


Why are the




so against doing anything about Mike Flynn?


Here’s a timeline of 13 months of facts starting with the 2020 election. What does this look like to you?


11/3/20–Trump loses

11/10–Trump decapitates Pentagon—installs Mike Flynn allies Ezra Cohen, Kash Patel, Chris Miller, Anthony Tata, Douglas MacGregor

11/30–Trump releases pardon for Mike Flynn

11/30–(same day) Trump nominates Charles Flynn for 4-star


12/17/20–Mike Flynn proposes “martial law” to rerun elections in swing states

12/18–Mike Flynn meets Trump in WH with Rudy Giuliani, Patrick Byrne, Sidney Powell and others

12/18–Trump tweets “will be wild” about 1/6

12/19–(within hours) Acting


Chris Miller shuts down communications with the Biden transition

12/20–Charles Flynn confirmed by Senate voice vote to 4-star


1/5/21–Mike Flynn gives a speech in front of the Capitol exhorting “digital soldiers” to “sacrifice” the next day and compares non-existent “dead voters” in the 2020 election to dead soldiers in Normandy

1/6–Mike Flynn allies direct assault on the Capitol including Army veterans who previously worked for Mike and/or Charles Flynn in Afghanistan, including convicted Proud Boy leader Joe Biggs and Mike Flynn’s PSYOP co-author Boone Cutler

1/6–Charles Flynn hosts a phone call delaying the National Guard for three hours with Lt. Gen. William Piatt,


Ryan McCarthy & others

1/20–Inauguration Day, the Army changes its story about Charles Flynn’s participation on 1/6 and admits he hosted the call after denying it for two weeks

1/25–Trump-appointed Chief of Staff of the Army, James C. McConville announces Charles Flynn’s promotion to Commanding General of 100,000 troops



6/4/21–Charles Flynn promoted to



11/18–DOD Inspector General report “Finds Pentagon Leaders Acted Appropriately on Jan. 6”

12/6–Col. Earl Matthews of the National Guard, attorney to DC NG commanding general on J6, William Walker, issues a 36-page report calling Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen. William Piatt of being ‘Absolute liars' and says the IG report is “worthy of the best North Korean or stalinist propaganda”


Thoughts? 🤔