Yeah I agree. Freemasons were infiltrated a long time ago, now they are a dying secret society that only serves as a recruitment base for the York and Scottish Rites, and as scapegoats for the cabal, just like most of the Jewish population. This is why they they wear Freemason symbols for those FF shooting interviews, the cabal loves it when conspiracy theorists blame their schemes on an inconsequential group of grunts and they get away with it unscathed. I think Q's testing us again like he did with the Obama bilderberg video, teaching us to think about and dig into everything anyone tell us and not just take the easy route and become ridiculous stereotypical conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones. Furthermore, the founding fathers were masons publicly but if you read Manly P. Hall they were secretly in another secret society that aimed to create a new country based on Francis Bacon's "A New Atlantis".
Regardless, most people will not see the signs of an FF, or blame Maxine. The media will play the clips from the last few Trump rallies where he attacked the media and the crowd booed. They will say this is worse than Maxine's comments because it lead to violence, furthering the divide in this country and stifling the #WalkAway and Unhinged Left campaign. I just hope POTUS and Q do not wait too long on this like they did on the family separation issue and do something to change the narrative ASAP.