[A]s a freemason, George Washing was a “member” for over 30 years. In that time, he attended only 4 meetings total. Many freemasons want to paint him as their most famous member, which, they literally did paint portraits of him in freemason garb. But he never once sat for one of those, and most were done after his time. In fact, George Washington claimed the one painting done during his time to be “mason propaganda” to paint him as such.[1] Not that you could blame the freemasons, would there be a better face for any organization to associate with than the most famous person in the entire United States of America?
So he didn’t go to many meetings and he wasn’t that closely associated with the freemasons, but that doesn’t necessarily make George Washington a Christian.
Records show, George Washington had a very close association with his home church, Christ Church, in Alexandria, VA. You can go to this church today and sit in the very church “box” which belonged to the Washington family. His adopted daughter, Nelly, (who was, in fact, his step-granddaughter) noted he rarely missed a Sunday, even if roads were bad and it took them over 2-3 hours to get there.
While he was traveling with his military and political career, which was indeed much of his career, record after record shows he attended church. Whether he was wintering at Valley Forge, or while he was in the First Continental and Constitutional Congresses in Philadelphia, he would attend services and fervently prayed. Right after he was inaugurated as President of the United States at Federal Hall in New York City, he immediately went to church to commit his presidency in prayer.