Anonymous ID: 9f33e4 June 28, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.1947525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7712

>>1947141 (lb)


I bet you there are people there taht do't even believe anything, they just go along for the ride because they get tonnes of money for keeping the top dogs of the pyramid at the top of the world in exchange of being filmed killing people and kids and doing fucked up shit, because then the top dogs of the cabal pyramid know they own them, not just with money, but with the most repulsive piece of blackmail possible.


How would crooks of that caliber know who to trust in those networks where every one is a bigger crook than the next one?

A system of blackmail HAD to be put in place in order for the global criminal network to have any kind of semblance to loyalty happening within it.

Jewish subversion is ubber important to know how shit gels together because the Roths have been the money masters of the world since the 1760 and they happen to see themselves as kings of the jews, and they happen to agree with the idea that all goyim should be a mongrelized negro to be led by their pure linage of ashkenazi jew blood. Also important to note that the pyramid Q describes is made up by a jew, by a family of jews and the old saudi royal administration, which is indirectly related to the Turkish jews.


This has been trully, the century of jewish supremacism, and that involves White genocide along with a bunch of bullshit prophecies to come about (it's where the 6 million obsession comes from, pic related 1).


Pics related 2345 are the jewish saudi connection.

Anonymous ID: 9f33e4 June 28, 2018, 4:32 p.m. No.1947752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8262


/pol/ is a board of peace, /pol/ has caught numerous ff happening some hours later totally exposing them.

Of course they want to get heat on /pol/, they don't want to talk about THIS board and these breads because their shilling would fall apart here.

We need to get more autists from 4c here. If you want the best autists to come, be as wise to the JQ as you can, don't be retarded or soft and talk about Q naturally with them. Many of the non-shills are kind of open to what Q is even if they might be skeptical when you talk with them.

Anonymous ID: 9f33e4 June 28, 2018, 4:34 p.m. No.1947790   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Because I mention jews?

Kek, you yids surely are nervous.

Just to fuck with your feeble kike demented mind I am going to repost this so newfags can see it :)

Anonymous ID: 9f33e4 June 28, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.1947861   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It sounds so 'conspiracy' to normies.

What doesn't?

Normies need easy to follow maps to understand shit we do understand from a lot of research (example in pic 1).

Future digs on this will wield interesting and related shit, it always does.

Anonymous ID: 9f33e4 June 28, 2018, 4:50 p.m. No.1948082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8103 >>8141 >>8190


The magic of controlling a nation's money via central baking arrived in England in around 1670 (revolution). It was jews, although the id was not revealed (Balfour declaration and all the shit UK did for the kikes during WW2 raise my suspicions that it might be families close to the Rothschild or Warburgs (one of the Warburg members was the founder of the Fed in the US in 1913), both closely tied to the zionist movement that started at least in 1850).


Rothschild family got its head start in 1760, the Warburg family in the early 16th century was already one of the wealthiest Sephardic Venetian families.


Jews own the crowd.

Anonymous ID: 9f33e4 June 28, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.1948190   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also important to understand is why jews were so proeminent in baking since there is modern banking.

It had to do with usury, and the fact it was not a sin for jews to pratice usury, so they dominated via getting more interest than Christians and Muslims, which restricted the amount of interest lenders could charge.


More info here: ( )



No I didn't. Thanks, glad you like it, it's a GREAT resource to guide one's 40k view. I am still studying it, it has a lot of content, and it checks out. Next time someone dishes 4c /pol/ slap them in the face with that, that's were I got it.