The Mormons LDS fags run the C_A. Mormons Infiltrated C_A, C_A infiltrated Mormons.
Mormons seems to be the root of Evil IMO.
The Mormons LDS fags run the C_A. Mormons Infiltrated C_A, C_A infiltrated Mormons.
Mormons seems to be the root of Evil IMO.
True This, Guns. Bullets, Food, and a lot of Tude we are Good to Go!
I think the Masonic Leadership Made Similarly bad choices as Strock and all those other fags that Q tried to stop being Evil.
One must understand the Masons are from the Roth/UK evil root. Just like MI6, they are highly comped to the "P"
Cernobitch for realz? This guy is the definition of Punk.
I Mormons (LDS) C_A > Masons.
But you are correct
When you have that much money you can infiltrate anything.
You seem like a really inteligent Anon, to give you a story:
I was close to a 33rd Mason, he was a Big Wig with the Red Cross
Exactly: never let another man's concept of God get in the way of you and the Creator!
When NASA first Formed you could not belong unless you were a Mason.