So obvious.
Anyway, that told me that if Musk is a CIA front, Bezos probably is, too. So I did a quick genealogysearch on Bezos. They have scrubbed him at Geni.com, but not very well. On his maternal side, wehave nothing past his mother. But she is given as a Gise. On his father's side, we get very little, but wedo find his grandmother as a Pollack. Both those names indicate Bezos is from prominent Jewishlines, and linked to the families of my previous research. If you have read those papers, you knowabout Pollack. But you haven't seen the name Gise before. I send you to Moishe (Morris) Gise, b.Russia and d. 1983 in NY, son of Schmuel Lev Gise, and father of Yetta. Moishe is listed as an“owner of gas stations”. My guess is that links him to Standard Oil and the Rockefellers. See belowfor a second hit on this. Further research turns up a Madeline Morris Gise in MA, which means theGises married with the Morrises of Massachusetts. See my paper on the Lizzie Borden hoax for moreon the Morris/Morrison clan, which is also part of the cabal. Also notice Moishe's anglicized nameabove. This Madeline has a son David Gise whose marriage announcement to Erin Yavener was in theNew York Times in 2015. Yavener is another Jewish name. The couple were married by Rabbi Bayar.