Anonymous ID: 2137c8 NextGen Banking & Financial #1 Sept. 1, 2023, 8:19 p.m. No.19475682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5764

Echoing the (now deleted?) post-cabal banking threads of yesteryear it seems prudent to once again bring the topic up.


Goal of this thread:


  1. Provide central point to post notable information on the current EuroDollar system and other resources,


  1. Clearly articulate both failings, triumphs, shortcomings, and successes of the current system,


  1. Suggest, speculate, and hypothesis on what the nextGen / postCabal banking and financial system will - and will not - entail.


  1. …and other related matters therein


Thread theme:

Anonymous ID: 6682ac Sept. 1, 2023, 8:42 p.m. No.19475738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5761

Greetings threadmaker.

You think you have enough material to post and enough interest to maintain it on a ongoing basis? Otherwise, why not just post in General?

  • admin.

Anonymous ID: 2137c8 A few notable links Sept. 1, 2023, 8:46 p.m. No.19475745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5764 >>5829

Jeff Snider's Eurodollar University YT:


Snider's one of the best public facing researcher who seeks to understand the euroDollar system as a system. Major focus is on collateral, the role collateral plays, and how 'ledger money' is essentially what the current runs on. Snider argue essentially virtually all countries/financial institutions are synthetically short on the dollar (more on this in a second) and the dollar's biggest threat is to a melt up - that is being too strong - vs a melt down.


Jim Rickards - author/spook consultant/GC at LTCM in 1998; Rickard's big thing is using complexity theory to understand the current system and how current modeling (e.g. VAR - value at risk) does not accurately reflect the true risk present in the system.


> The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System, 2014

> The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites' Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis, 2016


Brent Johnson - asset manager, coined 'the Dollar Milkshake Theory' positing the world risks a major squeeze on the dollar should a sovereign debt emerge.


Macro Economic Trilemma: countries want to control ALL three of these goals but are only able to do TWO at a time


> Open Capital Account

> Exchange Rates, or management thereof

> Monetary Policy (setting their interest rates)


Triffin's Dilemma: economist Robert Triffin argued using the USD as BOTH the world reserve currency AND the 'local' unit of account with the US would eventually force the US to chose between the mutually exclusive option of crafting policy for the benefit of the US and detriment of the world OR crafting policy favoring the world at the expense of the US.


MISSING LINKS to prior 8kun Post Cabal Bank threads…seem to recall there were 4 of them. If anyone has an archive, please share.


4chins links:


Treasury Anon (personal speculation: felt like Q/AI but never confirmed AFAIK); posted both on POL and BIZ circa Oct 2020 in the leadup to the NOV 2020 """election""".


> Treasury issues new notes 'UST' replacing FED issued USDs

> USTs backed by gold (unclear the mechanism but guessing referenced to weight…50 USTs can be redeemed for 1oz gold, for example)

> Au/Ag ratio hinted to be 1:10, possible less (that is Ag being less than 10)

> $100,000 USD (so FED notes) to 1oz Au suggested

> USPS locations pulling double duty as 'local treasury vault' where one can convert physical metal to new notes, if so desired

> metal-to-note conversion possible w/o tax implications and no questions asked for period of time

> stock market crashes hard at first BUT then rebounds as people realize they still hold a part of a useful company BUT then shoots up due to the USD (FED note) going down in value; switch to USTs will allow stocks to be valued fairly in new USTs and no longer in USDs

> Those holding current USD debt can exchange for new debt but at tiers; US citizens get best rates, enemies get told to pound sand

> gold/silver export restrictions come into place, suggesting a closed US capital account in the macro-economic trilemma


> Biden win implies the following:

> stock crash followed by

> …hyperinflation (suggesting stocks, in terms of USD shoot up, but purchasing power falls)

> bank debts settled in jubilee process with US government squaring debts with either USD or UST; ratio depends on how much business bank does in US

> Derivative debts settled in USD but grace period where citizens can convert their derivative gains into UST

> UST is implemented there will be a halt on all new derivative creation in USD …AND…

> …all new domestic derivative accounts must be cleared with the new UST

> Derivative contracts be written on the ledger and will be cleared by an oracle and not a third party (presumably on the XRPL)

> Issuance of derivative contracts will be taken from the banking system and given to a new clearing house industry

> new clearing house industry regulated differently from banks a la Glass-Steagall

> banks be able to have notionally inflated derivative accounts

Anonymous ID: 2137c8 Sept. 1, 2023, 8:51 p.m. No.19475761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5786


thanks - thinking I do.


woking this weekend to try and get all the info I've accumulated over the past three years in here.


Aim to focus in on much as possible the macro economic theory, the sins (and success…few that there are) of the current system, and ideas for the future.


Hope to give anons a solid footing to not only understand where we are at from a financial theory standpoint, but also arm them with enough info to understand and learn about this on their own, and perhaps, even educate others in time.

Anonymous ID: 2137c8 Sept. 1, 2023, 9:11 p.m. No.19475829   🗄️.is 🔗kun



(this was suppose to be the second link there)


The original sins of the current monetary system:


> REPO (Repurchase Agreements)

> Hypothecation + Re-hypothecation


A bit of history of REPOs:


Seeking funding for WWI, the US gov wanted the Federal Reserve to provide liquidity to do so. FED balked as it was directly something they by law could not do, but did create a work around with a repurchase agreement (REPO).


The FED would buy warbonds from the banking system, taking the warbonds onto their b/s and issuing bank reserves to the institutions who sold the FED the bonds.


However an agreement was signed where the seller (e.g. the bank who sold the war bond to the FED) would buy back the warbond in a set period of time…15 days or so, and this one useful trick allowed the FED to 'comply' with its constraints while still providing liquidity to support the war effort.


REPOs in turn freed up the b/s of the banks to issue more warbonds and/or extend additional credit to support the war effort, which in turn could be REPO'd to the FED.


Hence what was REALLY a short-term collateralized loan was distorted and reported as a sale.


Two key features arose from this:


> 1. As it was booked as a 'sale' the notion of counterparty risk became opaque even though it remained (why would the buyer care about the financial health of the seller once the goods are delivered…it's not like the seller's counting on the buyer to buy back those goods at a later date…right?)


> 2. Legal title transferred from the seller to the buyer; this would eventually open the door to hypothecation + rehypothecation but just for now understand during the time the collateral, the WWI war bonds in this case, was moved from the bank system to the FED, the FED was the legal owner of the war bonds.