Anonymous ID: 56b4b5 Sept. 2, 2023, 3:01 p.m. No.19479259   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the bay area people must have been very jealous of all the East Coast and Mid West and Southern shows that went off flawlessly, weekends of people showing up, taking care of them selves, paying their own way, communing with little or no problems so much so

they tried to make it 'their thing'

550 dollars a person, I read.

but they didn't hold it anywhere sane.

it was always held in a crazy location.


73000 people is too many, that's the first mistake.

having it be basically about orgies and drugs, and not really about music, second mistake.

paying so very much money and having it in a ridiculous place?

how stupid are they?


Let me see

Bread and Puppet, maybe a few thosand showed up every year.

The Newport festivals? near the beach and the clam shacks. Sane and wonderful. Close to a big city. Close to the convenience stores.

Saratoga Springs, Glens Falls: all sane and awesome spots where you can leave if you want to leave. You can just walk away and nothing bad is probably going to happen to you, catch a ride back to where every you come from. (got to get back to Tennesee, Jed)


But out in a mud flat in a burning dessert?

And it is supposed to be the 'best and brightest' techie people who go to this?


no wonder California is a hell hole now.

the people who are said to be the smartest clearly are not.


And it's not like they don't have a lot of great places for shows in California.

and in Nevada.


I hope that Burning Man becomes history and that they do not reprise it.

Anonymous ID: 56b4b5 Sept. 2, 2023, 3:09 p.m. No.19479295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9318


if you camp in a dry lake and it rains . . .

there are public service annoucement on the television in desert states that say 'do not camp in the arroyos'

a rain storm 50, 100 200 miles away can flood the dry river for a time.

and if it's a dry lake basin, like where they hold that event, if it rains anywhere near there in that drainage area, all the water is going to flood into the dry lake.


totally predictable.

they'll say 'climate change' perhaps, caused their problems.