Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:18 p.m. No.19479018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9233 >>9275 >>9323 >>9388 >>9410 >>9430 >>9509


they will all have parasites after all the mudand people pooping and peeing everywhere.


since when does rain turn desert into paste?


UPDATE Sept. 1 6:43 p.m. Driving is not permitted in Black Rock City as weather threatens to

turn the desert floor into paste,

according to an update posted on X, formerly Twitter.



Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:28 p.m. No.19479077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9094 >>9101 >>9140 >>9151 >>9155 >>9233 >>9275 >>9323 >>9388 >>9410 >>9418 >>9509



so, we have water la times says so 2015, what will they say today to bend the narrative






There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust


Fogg explained that the water beneath our feet is connected over vast areas, kind of like an enormous plumbing system. Even if you pump 1,000-year-old groundwater in one area, it could be replenished by much younger water from the surface or by water in groundwater basins miles away. This could happen over the span of a few months or even a few days, he said.


rad moar:




NOV. 16, 2015 5:18 PM PT


Hidden in the Earth’s crust are vast stores of “groundwater,” water that fell from the sky and then trickled into the cracks and crevices between the sand, gravel and rocks beneath our feet. This resource makes up 95% of the freshwater that is not tied up in glaciers or ice caps.


To see how much groundwater is modern, they looked at the amount of tritium that had been found in groundwater across the globe. Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen that spiked in rainwater approximately 50 years ago as a result of above-ground thermonuclear bomb testing.


The team reviewed the scientific literature and eventually found 3,700 tritium measurements of groundwater from 55 countries. From this data set, they determined that just 5.6% of the world’s groundwater is less than 50 years old. That’s about enough water to reach the top of a stop sign across the continents, if it were pumped out of the ground.


We can’t see this groundwater, but more than 2 billion people across the globe drink it every day. In arid areas, it is pumped out of the ground to grow crops. It also plays an important environmental role, keeping streams and rivers running in times of drought.


Back in the 1970s, a team of scientists estimated how much of the planet’s water is buried beneath the ground. That calculation had not been updated for 40 years — until this month.


In a study in Nature Geoscience, researchers used tens of thousands of additional data points to determine how much water is stored in the planet’s crust. They also examined how long it had been underground.


The results show where on the planet groundwater is quickly being renewed and where it is has been there for a very long time, said Tom Gleeson, a hydrogeologist at the University of Victoria in Canada who led the study.


Gleeson and his team report that there are 6 quintillion gallons of groundwater in the upper 1.2 miles of the Earth’s crust. If you could magically pump it all out of the ground and spread it across the continents, it would form a layer of water 600 feet high. That’s twice the height of the Statue of Liberty.



Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:32 p.m. No.19479094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9101 >>9108 >>9140 >>9151 >>9155 >>9204 >>9212 >>9224 >>9228 >>9233 >>9240 >>9258 >>9274 >>9275 >>9299 >>9304 >>9323 >>9388 >>9410 >>9418 >>9509




"Peak Water": the NEW "Peak Oil" FRAUD


The Primary Water Institute - More Scientific Evidence "Water is a RENEWABLE"

Excerpts from link below


The Primary Water Institute - More Scientific Evidence "Water is a RENEWABLE" = the Earth makes water deep within and WE CAN "EASILY" ACCESS IT . . . READ MORE - LEARN MORE - we have been tricked by the powers that be into thinking water is scarce and we are running out . . We have not been told the TRUTH . . . The Earth makes water continually, within



video unavailable

Youtube account was terminated



New Water for a Thirsty World

Primary water, the original source of our oceans, is still being created by geological forces. That water, usually in a potable form, comes to the earth's surface in thousands of places, some well known like Jericho and Bahrain where it has provided drinking water for thousands of people for thousands of years. It pours into deep mines all over the world. Hundreds of houses on the rocky shores of Maine get their fresh water from wells drilled into the shoreline granite. Copenhagen gets all its water from a few wells. In Northern Europe, water that can be tapped by wells that do not depend on aquifers is called "ground water". The hallmark of new, or primary, water springs and wells is that they provide water at constant temperature and flow.


But this world-wide source of "new water" has been ignored by geologists and laymen in most countries including the United States. They were taught that all potable water comes from the "hydrological cycle" which merely recycles water already on the surface of our earth.


Michael H. Salzman, an engineer and administrator, researched, wrote and published a book providing detailed information on "new water". As published in 1960, it can be read and/or downloaded from this website. It is not readily available in libraries.


Mike handed us one of his last copies in 1970 and asked us to see if we could get some recognition for it. He told us some wealthy people wanting to get approval for funds to build an aqueduct to bring water from the Colorado River to southern California (they succeeded) had bought up and burned all the copies they could find. They also tried (and failed) to have him fired as Director of the Los Angeles Housing Authority.


Massive Ocean Discovered Towards The Earths Core!

A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding may explain where Earth’s seas came from, and lend some interesting evidence to the hollow earththeory.



What is Primary Water? 1985 Interview with Dr. Stephan Riess

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:32 p.m. No.19479101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9108 >>9233 >>9274 >>9275 >>9323 >>9388 >>9410 >>9418 >>9509






43,314 views Jun 19, 2015

This is a very important interview of the late Dr. Stephan Riess from 1985 about primary water. For more information and to download a free digital magazine on primary water, please visit:




Titles: The Primary Water Institute Presents

Dr. Stephen Riess on Primary Water

The Last Interview, September 22, 1985

With Dr. Wayne Weber and Ross Frazier

In Escondido, California

The term Primary Water was coined by the late Dr. Stephen Riess, the geophysicist who independently discovered its existence and pioneered its development, beginning in the 1930s until his death in December 1985.

“My discovery was put to a field test by locating and drilling many wells. The records to date from these tests is 70 producing wells out of 72 attempts, all drilled in hard rock, all located in distressed areas generally considered unproductive.” (Dr. Stephen

Riess, 1954)

Primary water is a little known renewable resource that originates deep within the earth. When conditions are right, oxygen combines with hydrogen to make new water.

This water is constantly being pushed up toward the surface under great pressure. The water finds its way towards the surface through fissures or faults. Depending on the geology, primary water can be accessed close to the surface, or even flow out as a


Primary water has never been a part of the hydrologic cycle until it finally arrives at the surface. Traditional hydrologic cycle water is finite and volumes fluctuate relative to available rain and snowmelt. Primary water is renewable and plentiful regardless of the


This priceless interview from 1985 of Dr. Stephen Riess is presented in its entirety regardless of camera movement and colorful language.


Ross Frazier: This is Escondido, Sunday the 22nd of September 1985 and we’re taking instruction from Dr. Stephen Riess, an eminent earth scientist at his home in Escondido, high on a rock promontory overlooking the valley and showing massive protrusions of granite boulders all around. Stephen Riess is a very controversial scientist and has extensive knowledge worldwide in the finding of water.

Turning to address Dr. Stephen Riess . . . Do you have any immediate finds in Escondido in the last three or four months?

Dr. Riess: Yes we’ve been successful in drilling some very good wells and it happens that both locations are on the highest parts in the county. A thousand feet higher than the pump stations for the water supply from the water resources department. And the cost of pumping it from there, these stations, the river water from Sacramento up into these reservoirs here is $93 an acre foot in power

bills and it is poor quality water. So the point now is that this water wells can produce the water for $20 pumping cost instead of $93 to lift it from the pipeline below up to the surface.

Ross Frazier: And with no carrying of silt or anything of that nature.

Dr. Riess: No. It’s clean water.

Ross Frazier: The water here is very pure water, isn’t it?

Dr. Riess: It’s exceptionally good. It’s usually about one-third of the mineral content of the prevailing Colorado River water.

Ross Frazier: This is because you’re extracting primary water from very deep.

Dr. Riess: This is because it is primary water obtained below the crust and is in the non-oxidizing zone.

Ross Frazier: So this is not being oxidized?

Dr. Riess: No.

Ross Frazier: And it is not picking up contaminants.

Dr. Riess: It does not dissolve or pick up any contaminants and therefore it is superior water. It does not need any more cleaning or pre-treatment for the distribution system.

Ross Frazier: And you don’t have any, or very little if any, radiation?

Dr. Riess: Well, there may be fast dissolving radon which is about one day lifetime in the water in the reservoir.

Ross Frazier: And radon will not be a really factor here.

Dr. Riess: No, it is no factor at all.

Ross Frazier: Because it’s decay is so rapid.

Dr. Riess: Right now. And in itself is not very serious.

Ross Frazier: It wouldn’t be anywhere near the contaminants that could be picked up as a result of surface testing of nuclear weapons.

Dr. Riess: Naturally, that is the point. When they are talking about claiming waters, bad waters, which are already bad at the origin from the faucet and then going to the industrial and whatever uses there are and then go through the sewage lines, the retreating is absolute insanity.

Ross Frazier: It is not necessary because . . .

Dr. Riess: It’s ridiculous. An article that I got in the paper here before me today is talking about treating two hundred million gallons of sewage for re-use. Now who in the Devil would want to use sewage water again?

Ross Frazier: It’s unnecessary.

Dr. Riess: Absolutely unnecessary.

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:34 p.m. No.19479108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9140 >>9151 >>9155 >>9224 >>9228 >>9240 >>9258 >>9274 >>9299 >>9304 >>9418





Primary Water - Stephan Riess and Walter Russell


15,534 views Jan 26, 2018

This previously never-before-released recording was found in the USP audio archive and sheds invaluable light on the similarities between the work of two great men. What is presented here is a reel-to-reel tape recording of a letter written by Dr. Walter Russell read to Dr. Stephan Riess of California with his feedback and thoughts circa 1953. The discovery of primary water by Riess is a complete validation and confirmation of the workings of matter proposed by Dr. Walter Russell. Both he and wife Lao were delighted to have found a single scientist who knew the truth about natural science as they did. This interview briefly outlines a scientist’s real world experience of the workings of Nature aligned with an Illuminated messenger’s gift of knowledge for a new age of thinking. Imagine a world of abundance rather than of scarcity, a world of balanced interchange with our natural environment. This is the promise of this new knowledge, so enjoy and share.


The University of Science and Philosophy


The Primary Water Institute


Audio Restoration by Darren Colomb…


Video Production by Ramu Shages

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:40 p.m. No.19479140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9151 >>9155 >>9162 >>9164 >>9179 >>9182 >>9183 >>9204 >>9212 >>9233 >>9275 >>9323 >>9388 >>9410 >>9509


there is water forever

God made it so


the evil ones lie to us about drought and no water


and it should be free

as it is abundant

and clean








3 years ago

Muamar Gaddafi new this. That’s why he had the great man made river built as a gift to the Libyan people.



that and gold



then hillary killed him

385,613 views Oct 20, 2011

Speaking between network interviews, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton jokes with reporter on early, unconfirmed reports that deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed.

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:42 p.m. No.19479151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9155 >>9164 >>9168 >>9179 >>9233 >>9275 >>9323 >>9388 >>9410 >>9509








How Libya SHOCKED American Scientists With This - Gaddafi's Great Man Made River | 8th World Wonder


724,718 views Jan 23, 2023

How Libya Built Rivers in the Sahara Desert. Gaddafi's Unbelievable Africa Megaproject Libya has long struggled with water scarcity, dating back to the early days of the country. This is not surprising given that 90% of Libya's territory is desert and there are no natural rivers. Rainfall is also scarce, with some areas receiving little to no rain for decades. This has led to a concentration of population in the 10% of the country where rainfall and agriculture are possible, hindering development and prosperity. A plan to create man-made rivers, which would become the largest irrigation system in human history.


The oil industry became the backbone of the Libyan economy and continues to play a major role to this day. It is thanks to this discovery that Libya was able to emerge as a major player in the global oil market and become one of the wealthiest countries in Africa.


But Libya's population growth brought back a long-standing problem: water scarcity. Even in the coastal regions where it rains, the water supply was not enough to sustain the growing population. In order to find more water, the Libyans searched for alternative sources. They considered building desalination plants to turn the Mediterranean sea water into freshwater, but the cost was too high. They also looked into importing water from Europe through tankers or pipelines, but this would make the country dependent on Europe for water. Libya's solution to their water problem.


While drilling for more oil in the southern desert of Libya, they discovered a vast underground aquifer full of fresh water, a resource more valuable than oil itself. The region now receives very little rainfall, this water is not a renewable resource. The aquifers were also in remote locations, far from populated coastal cities, with limited infrastructure and transportation. Libyans initially planned to use the water for agricultural projects in the desert, but plans changed with the rise of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in 1969.


Libyans devised an ambitious plan under Gaddafi's leadership to overcome their long-standing geographic disadvantage of a lack of rivers. They proposed constructing man-made rivers through pipelines across the Sahara desert, connecting newly discovered aquifers in the south to rapidly growing cities along the Mediterranean coast in the north. This massive irrigation project, known as the Great Man-Made River, would take decades to complete and would become the largest and most ambitious irrigation project in history, forever changing Libya's destiny.



Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:43 p.m. No.19479155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9164 >>9168 >>9233 >>9275 >>9323 >>9388 >>9410 >>9509





The Great Man-Made River project involved constructing more than 4,000 kilometers of pipes to transport water from underground aquifers in the south to the cities in the north. The system includes over 1,300 water wells, most of which are over half a kilometer deep, to extract water from the ground. Today, this system provides approximately 2.4 cubic kilometers of fresh water annually to the over 7 million citizens of Libya, providing them with an equivalent amount of usable water.


The Great Man-Made River project was divided into five phases, the first of which focused on constructing a pipeline from south to north, tapping into the Nubian Sandstone aquifer and connecting to the cities of Benghazi and Serta. The pipeline was extended further west to Tripoli and the surrounding area in the second phase, which was completed in 2000 and provided over 1 million cubic meters of water per day. The third phase, finished in 2009, added another pipeline to the existing network, increasing water supply to Benghazi and Serta. The fourth and fifth phases, which were intended to connect the Western and Eastern systems and connect Tobruk to an aquifer, were never completed due to the political turmoil and civil war that followed the Arab Spring revolution and Gaddafi's regime's overthrow in 2011. The Great Man-Made River, once considered the World's Eighth Wonder, is still unfinished, and its completion is uncertain.


The Great Man-Made River project was initially a success, but over time it faced challenges. There were problems with the quality of the water, as it contained high levels of dissolved salts and minerals. The wells also depleted the aquifers at an alarming rate.


The Great Man-Made River project has been able to provide water to millions of Libyans, and it has been crucial in sustaining the population in the northern coastal cities. The project has enabled the growth of agriculture in the desert, which has contributed to the country's food security. However, the project has not been able to fully solve the water scarcity problem in Libya. The country still faces significant water shortages, and the population continues to grow, putting further strain on the limited resources. The water scarcity problem is a sustainable and long-term issue for Libya.








Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:45 p.m. No.19479164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9182





Gaddafi's plan to liberate Africa Destroyed By America | Brilliant Plan for water under the Sahara



3 weeks ago


Authentic African

Muammar Gaddafi was a Libyan politician, socialist revolutionary, and political theorist who ruled Libya from 1969 until his murder

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:48 p.m. No.19479179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9183 >>9192





758,029 views Jul 26, 2021

Muammar Gaddafi made this speech before he died. Gaddafi did not know that these words would lead to death. Fearless challenges were unacceptable. Muammar Gaddafi did not end well.

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:49 p.m. No.19479183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9192






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Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:52 p.m. No.19479204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9212








Trump could give same gift to America

Water pipeline



all of these vids should be archived>


Pipeline to Paradise (Gaddafi's Gift to Libya)


136,830 views Nov 14, 2013

From the documentary filmmaker and producers Winfried Spinler and its crew, first in Hollywood at the documentary film festival in 2001 presented film, another reality about the states points in Libya and their revolutionary leader Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi.


Now in times of the raw material shortage it isn't any more only about oil and other mineral resources, now are looked apparently also the biggest water reservoir of the world as desirable properties.


Gaddafi corresponds in this documentary film not to the in general provided world view of the tyrant, but rather to a peace angel for the North-African neighboring states.


The worldwide biggest water reservoir to the greening of the wild areas, linked with thousands of kilometers of pipeline, there flowed up to now the biggest shares of the oil income of Libya.


It is almost incredibly this now scarcely before the completion of the pipelines (2011) an invasion of Libya begins.


Hardly worth mentioning to one of the biggest advocates of this project, to the Egyptian president Mubarak, shortly before the power was taken.

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:53 p.m. No.19479212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9215 >>9224 >>9228 >>9240 >>9258






Gaddafi's Great Man Made River

23 views Aug 23, 2023 #EighthWonderOfTheWorld #SustainableWaterSolutions #EngineeringMarvels

How Rivers Were Built In Libya Right Under The Sahara. Gaddafi's Unbelievable Project, Great Man-Made River,great artificial river,Gaddafi's river,river under the Sahara,water distribution,irrigation project,irrigation,Sahara,Libya,Tripoli,Benghazi,largest water pipe,Muammar Gaddafi,water problems,water in the desert,oasis,Nubian water layer,water under the Sahara.,libya,middle east,muammar gaddafi,Pandora,Pandora US


How Libya SHOCKED American Scientists With This - Gaddafi's Great Man Made River | 8th World Wonder, The Primest,How Libya Built Rivers in the Sahara Desert. Gaddafi's Unbelievable Africa Megaproject,How Rivers Were Built In Libya Sahara,great man-made river,great artificial river,gaddafis river,water distribution,irrigation project,irrigation,sahara,libya,tripoli,benghazi,largest water pipe,muammar gaddafi,water in the desert,oasis,gaddafi,gaddafi death,gaddafi libya,Eighth Wonder of the World,gaddafi speech,Colonel Gaddafi,the great man made river in libya


Trouble ahead for Gaddafi's Great Man-Made River, What’s next for Libya’s Great Man-Made River Project?, The Muammar Gaddafi story, Gaddafi's Great Man Made River Project, Libya's Water Miracle: Gaddafi's Vision, The Eighth Wonder: Gaddafi's Water Project, Muammar Gaddafi's Epic Water Initiative, The Great Man-Made River: Gaddafi's Legacy,Transforming Libya: Gaddafi's Water Vision,Gaddafi's Ambitious Water Engineering Feat,Libya's Water Revolution: Gaddafi's Legacy, The Man-Made River,Project: Gaddafi's Achievement, Gaddafi's Aquifer Adventure: The Great River


Gaddafi's Great Man Made RiverGreat Man-Made River Project, Gaddafi water pipeline, Libya water supply,Libyan water infrastructure

Muammar Gaddafi water project,GMMR Libya,Water resources in Libya,Sahara Desert water project,Libya agriculture and water,Man-made river system in Libya,Gaddafi's irrigation project,Water scarcity solutions Libya, African water management projects, Gaddafi's legacy: Water pipeline, Sustainable water solutions in Libya,Libya's massive water pipeline,Hydroengineering in Libya, Gaddafi's vision for water security,Libya's agricultural development,Water management in arid regions,Mega water projects in Africa

Libya's underground water network,Water transportation in desert regions,Impact of Great Man Made River, Desert agriculture in Libya

Gaddafi's engineering marvel,Water self-sufficiency in Libya, Greening the Sahara through water, Economic impact of water projects


#GaddafiManMadeRiver #EighthWonderOfTheWorld #WaterVisionary #GaddafiWaterProject #LibyaWaterInitiative#GreatManMadeRiver

#GaddafiLegacy #LibyanWaterMiracle #DesertWaterSolution

#GaddafiAquiferProject #GaddafisGreatManMadeRiver

#GreatManMadeRiverProject #LibyaWaterInfrastructure

#MuammarGaddafiLegacy #SaharaWaterProject #AfricanWaterManagement #DesertAgriculture

#WaterSecurityLibya #SustainableWaterSolutions #LibyanAgriculturalDevelopment #EngineeringMarvels

#WaterSecurityAfrica #DesertIrrigation

#LibyaWaterManagement #GMMRImpact

#GreeningTheSahara #WaterScarcitySolutions #EconomicDevelopmentLibya

#AridRegionWater #GaddafiVision


Gaddafi's Great Man Made River | 8th World Wonder


• Gaddafi's Great Man Made River


Largest Irrigation Project: Gaddafi's Great Man-Made River is the world's largest irrigation project, utilizing an extensive pipeline network to pump water from underground aquifers.

Vital Water Supply: This vast network supplies high-quality fresh water from ancient aquifers, significantly improving water accessibility.

Strategic Importance: The project holds strategic significance, reflecting Gaddafi's ambition to harness water resources for Libyan development.

Technical Achievement: The project features intricate pipelines and aqueducts to transport water over vast distances, demonstrating engineering prowess.

Socioeconomic Impact: The Great Man-Made River transformed lives by providing clean water for daily needs, improving quality of life.

International Recognition: Regarded as an engineering marvel, the project earned global recognition as a pivotal water infrastructure initiative.

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 2:58 p.m. No.19479240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9258



spread the info to normies

about unlimited water





120,436 views Apr 3, 2017

This is the story of how Momar Kadafi Built the Great Man-Made River (GMR), a network of underground pipelines bringing high-quality fresh water from ancient underground aquifers deep in the Sahara to the coast of Libya for domestic use,…………………


Flat Earth Effect

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 3:01 p.m. No.19479258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9274




we have water under ground in America


enough for forever and free


Primary Water





spread the info to normies

about unlimited water





We Have the Peak Oil Myth; Now Peak Water, Too?


Peak Water is the idea that,

like peak oil, water is a limited resource that we are running out of. The water crisis occurring in California (and elsewhere) is a water crisis hoax in the sense that we are being conditioned to accept artificial scarcity as real scarcity. Artificial scarcity is an age-old trick used by merchants to suppress the supply of a resource or product in order to increase its price. This financial trick is especially noticeable in the oil industry (controlled by the usual New World Order elite families). The Rockefellers propagated the peak oil myth at the Geneva Convention in 1892. John D. Rockefeller used his paid scientists to contend that as oil is composed of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, it must be a residue from living matter, and thus it is a fossil fuel! Twisted logic indeed. The Russians discovered that oil was abiotic decades ago. Oil is normally drilled at 30,000 feet, whereas real fossils are normally not found below 16,000 feet; the whole thing is a scam. Now, new information brought forth by researcher Deborah Tavares of suggests may well be looking at another fable – this time “peak water”.


Control Water, Control Life

Nefarious war criminal Henry Kissinger stated that to control nations, you control oil, and to control people, you control food. He might have added that to control Life itself, you control water, because there is barely any life on Earth as we know it that could survive without water. Many have predicted that the wars of the 21st century will be fought over water, not oil or other subterranean resources. There is good evidence that part of the reason Gaddafi was taken out was because he was so successful in constructing an amazing aquifer system to adequately hydrate the people of Libya. And, we know from researchers such as Dane Wigington that satellite images show geoengineering chemtrails all over California and its coasts. He theorizes the geoengineering of the Pacific is causing the Californian drought.


So, at one level of the game, water is a resource that is practically limited, and is already being fought over with powerful weapons, both admitted (military bombs and weapons) and mostly unadmitted (HAARP and geoengineering) ones. But what if this is all a cover? What if there is an unlimited supply of pure water that could easily be tapped that the Controllers are not telling us about?

Peak Water vs. Primary Water

The people at the Primary Water Institute say there is just such a thing – primary water. It’s the water just below the Earth’s crust, in the mantle. It is not the water you think of as ground water. It is not part of the normal hydrologic cycle of evaporation and condensation, which they classify as a secondary cycle. Listen as Deboarah Tavares interviews Paul Power who explains the concept of primary water. The illustration above also shows it. The existence of primary water clearly busts the idea of peak water, and shows that we are being lied to yet again by Big Government and the mainstream media about matters of vital importance to our lives.


What’s the Point of the Peak Water / Water Crisis Hoax?

The water crisis hoax fits right in to the UN Agenda 21 plan for global domination. By engineering a drought and pretending there are no viable solutions, the Controllers will drive people off their land and out of their homes in search of wetter areas. This facilitates a land grab and allows Government and corporations to seize more land (either for free or dirt cheap), and pressures people to move into big megalopolises where, in alignment with Agenda 21, they will have to live in shoebox-sized apartments – to save the environment, of course.


Meanwhile, by very real means such as a combination of HAARP and geoengineering, the Government is creating massive food shortages (since such a high percentage of many crops are grown in California), causing stress of lower and middle income individuals and families who are faced with rising food costs and potentially even a lack of food.


Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 3:04 p.m. No.19479274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9299 >>9304







The Primary Water Institute

Water Beyond Politics



Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 3:10 p.m. No.19479299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9304






good men get stopped from getting good stuff to the comman man

free clean water that God provided

evil men thwart us from getting it

the evil ones

gives us recycled water from toilets, sinks, dishwahsers, clothes washers

they charge us for "cleaned up" old uised water

contaminated with flouride and pesticides and RX's

they know how to manage the sheep and cattle


FREE clean water is just below our feet

same with oil





Download a free digital copy of How Primary Water Can Solve the Global Water Crisis, a new magazine from the Primary Water Institute. Check back for a link to purchase a printed copy in the near future.


What if you were told that Earth’s most abundant source of water is found deep in its core – and is stored in its rocks and magma to be released under the heat and pressure of geologic events and circumstances? What if you learned that the abundance of this water may exceed the amount of water in our oceans by at least 2-3 times and can most easily be obtained through strategic drilling?


While rarely acknowledged, though referenced in the Bible and other ancient texts, the Earth’s magma and geology is in fact the source of our planet’s most pure water. This water appears in unexpected places such as mountain springs and desert oases. Have you ever wondered how a spring could defy gravity and surface at high elevations on the top of a mountain, or provide a green oasis in the middle of a desert? Primary Water isn’t a mystery, though access to this technology has been largely suppressed historically and only recently begun to emerge in open discussions within scientific communities.


Along with its abundance, the advantages and value of Primary Water include that it is clean water which has never been in contact with the atmosphere. As mentioned earlier, access is largely dependent on geography and geology rather than climate and atmospheric rainfall. It is readily available in drought as well as normal rainfall years. It can also be localized to certain areas and needs – and, under the right geologic conditions, is plentiful and readily accessible.


All water originates as Primary Water deep in the mantle of the Earth. Under pressure, it then makes its way to the surface via faults and fissures in the form of volcanic steam, artesian springs, geysers, and oases. The defining characteristic of Primary Water is that it has never before been on the surface of the Earth and is therefore free of surface pollutants. When it approaches the Earth's surface, Primary Water mixes with water already here and then becomes part of the Hydrologic Cycle. Skilled Primary Water experts are able to locate the water as it nears the earth's surface, thus reducing the depth of drilling normally required for water wells.


This magazine offers a snapshot of some of the 20th and 21st Century pioneers of Primary Water research as well as an overview of numerous success stories where Primary Water has come to the rescue - especially in drought years.


Thousands of Primary Water wells already provide fresh water in Australia, the United States, and Africa. Many villages in Africa have experienced tremendous improvements in their quality of life due to Primary Water wells. Primary Water is a valuable source of water that could also help refill reservoirs, resupply over-tapped rivers such as the Colorado River, and support agricultural needs.


Could Primary Water solve our global water crisis? And, might Primary Water offer hope for mankind – and the future survival of Planet Earth? A resounding yes on both accounts! Primary Water may well be a missing link to solving water shortages and hunger around the world.


We want to share the life-giving and abundant prospect that Primary Water offers the world and invite you to drill into and explore the many resources and expansive opportunities provided here to learn about this amazing source of water. Welcome to the world of Primary Water!

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 3:18 p.m. No.19479330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9335 >>9342 >>9354


>Liberals, Elitists, Billionaires, Hollywood getting fucked at Burning Man: Burning Man freezes! Revelers are catching HYPOTHERMIA and fleeing to local bars for warmth as torrential rain and biting winds cause havoc at Nevada hippie festival



‘Conserve food and water’: No access in or out of Burning Man after storm


Burning Man conditions are bordering on disaster with over 70,000 people trapped and sheltering-in-place after rains turned the playa into an undrivable mud pit.


On Friday night (Sep. 1), organizers were forced to shut down the festival’s gate and airport, halting access in and out of the playa. All scheduled burns for Friday night were canceled. As of 8 a.m. on Saturday (Sep. 2), the gate and airport remained closed and festival goers were being told to shelter-in-place. People are not being permitted to drive cars or bikes around the festival except for emergency vehicles. With rain in the forecast through Sunday (Sep. 3), Burners were being told to conserve resources.


“If you are in BRC, conserve food and water, shelter in a warm space,” warned festival organizers according to the Reno Gazette Journal. The news site reported that 73,000 people (a larger population than the city of Santa Cruz) are currently at the festival. 09/02/2023

Anonymous ID: d20f50 Sept. 2, 2023, 3:32 p.m. No.19479418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9431 >>9449







it is true

even the L.A.Times know this


so spread it


especially to all the climate people












the elite powers lie to us

about water

and give us old recycled dirty used water

and make us pay for the filth


they hate GOD

God gave us water forever


hit the rock with a stick and water gushes

ask Moses


it was shown to us

HE told us


the elite God haters

steal all TRUTH

water is renewable, clean and plentiful


there is no drought

it is all man made narrative to push agendas




There are 6 quintillion gallons of water hiding in the Earth’s crust