Anonymous ID: 1025fc Sept. 2, 2023, 5:09 p.m. No.19479848   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'RUSSIAN HACK' Ministry of Defence hit by Russia-linked hackers as security secrets are leaked in data posted online


THE Ministry of Defence has been hit by hackers with links to Russia, as security secrets have been leaked and the data posted online.


Hackers have released thousands of pages of information with could be used by criminals to access the HMNB Clyde nuclear submarine base, the Porton Down chemical weapons lab and a GCHQ listening post.


Information concerning high-security prisons and a military site key to our cyber defences was also stolen in the raid by group LockBit.


Hackers are said to have targeted the databases of Zaun, a firm which makes the fences for maximum security sites.


The information was published on the internet’s dark web, which can be accessed with specialist software.


It’s thought the information was stolen last month during an attack on the firm based in the West Midlands, according to a report by the Mirror.



Anonymous ID: 1025fc Sept. 2, 2023, 5:28 p.m. No.19479950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9960 >>9966


NUKE ALERT Putin puts 16,000mph doomsday nuke dubbed Satan-2 ‘that can sink UK in ONE strike’ on combat duty for the first time


VLADIMIR Putin has placed the world’s most powerful Armageddon nuclear rocket dubbed Satan-2 on combat duty in a haunting new threat to the West.


The "unstoppable" intercontinental missile system could "sink the UK" and is the size of a 14-storey tower block.


Yury Borisov, head of the Russian Space Agency, issued the chilling announcement earlier today.


He told a crowd of students at an event: “The Sarmat strategic complex has been put on combat duty."


Borisov also said today that Russia will "most likely" undock the Russian module from the International Space Station after 2030.


The Armageddon weapon is 116 feet in length and can be loaded with 15 light nuclear warheads at once.


The weapon was designed to carry out nuclear strikes in countries thousands of miles away in the US and Europe.


It has the potential to obliterate the United Kingdom some 1,600 miles away in just six minutes.


And with an operational range of up to 11,180 miles, the deadly missile is reported to have no equivalent in the West in terms of the terror it could unleash.


The 208-tonne missile was meant to go on duty in late 2022, but was mysteriously delayed.


Russian propagandists have boasted one strike could sink Britain under the sea - but it's only passed one test launch.


Nine months ago Putin threatened: “In the near future, Sarmat ICBMs will be put on combat duty for the first time.


“We know there will be a certain delay in time but this does not change our plans – everything will be done.”


In June he also said the Satan 2 missile would be placed on duty, but his claims were only confirmed today.


Putin TV propagandist Dmitry Kiselyov formerly threatened Britain with revenge for a comment then Prime Minister Boris Johnson never made about striking Russia with nuclear weapons.


Downing Street dismissed the claim - widely repeated in Russia’ state media - as “another example of disinformation peddled by the Kremlin”, but it continues to be trumpeted in Moscow.


Kiselyov formerly claimed: “The island is so small that one Sarmat missile is enough to drown it once and for all.


“It is capable of destroying an area the size of Texas or England. A single launch, Boris, and there is no England anymore. Once and for all.”


Putin allies are regularly trotted out in Russia media to threaten nuclear armageddon in World War Three.


Despite the threats, the first and only known full-scale test of Satan-2 was announced to great fanfare as soon as it took place on 20 April 2022, with Putin in touch by video-link.


The following month, close Putin ally Dmitry Rogozin said almost 50 Satan-2 missiles would soon be on combat duty.


In February, tests were held for the Satan 2 missile while US President Joe Biden was visiting Ukraine.


But the launch of the missile – capable of delivering multiple nuclear warheads – appeared to have failed, officials said.


Putin has repeatedly said since the start of the Ukraine conflict that Russia is ready to use all means, including nuclear weapons, to defend its "territorial integrity".