Anonymous ID: c4b686 Sept. 2, 2023, 4:23 p.m. No.19479645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9664

>>19479516 lb.


Imagine being so dumb that you lose an Honorary Doctorate Degree from your home State.


Imagine being so dumb you disqualified yourself as PDJT VP Pick because you’re pro-abortion


Imagine being so dumb that you encourage US Military to Be Transgender


Imagine being so dumb and creating Operation Classified for fundraising and creating and trademarking #digitalsoldiers™️ to confuse the masses and call them to follow the ⭐️⭐️⭐️

JBWells and associates


Imagine being so dumb you get fired in 23 days under PDJT Administration for lying to VPPENCE


Imagine being so dumb you create 4ThePure


Imagine being so dumb that you trademarked #digitalsoldiers™️ and the abandoned it when anons found out.


Imagine being so dumb you used Oathkeepers, Proud Boys and Ministry of Self Defense as your security detail on Jan. 5 & 6 and then plead the Fifth regarding everything that went on with no regard to protecting anyone that was at the Capitol.


Imagine being so dumb that your money launderer flipped on you and you have to stump for PDJT and you could be Trumps worst nightmare.

Did the Feds Flip Turkish Businessman Reza Zarrab—and Could He Bring Down Michael Flynn?

Anonymous ID: c4b686 Sept. 2, 2023, 4:36 p.m. No.19479692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9741 >>9975 >>0226


Agreed anon. Flynn, gets a $16,000 a month pension from the military and is still grifting off of hardworking Americans.


Flynn also got

COLA - Cost of Living Adjustment of 8.7%

WOW! That’s a lot!

Anonymous ID: c4b686 Sept. 2, 2023, 6:29 p.m. No.19480228   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nice Bell - WWG1WGA

Save Babies Save America

Grab some Popcorn

Prayer Daily


Day One Executive Action

Mike Pence knows that the purpose of government is to protect American lives and to protect our God- given freedoms.

As President, Mike Pence will spend his first day in the White House unwinding Biden’s disastrous economic agenda, securing our border, defending unborn life, ensuring the safety of every American, and protecting children from the radical transgender agenda.

While we must work with Congress to pass our aggressive legislative agenda, there are immediate steps that must be taken to restore America. Within the first 100 days of his inauguration, President Pence will take the following Executive Actions.

Protect American Security

• Ensure America’s global military dominance

• EndDepartmentofDefensefocusonsocialand transgender programs

• Detainanddeportillegalimmigrantsattheborder

• ReinstatetheRemaininMexicopolicy

• Instructfederalagenciesimmediatelyrestartborder

wall construction

• Surgeresourcesforlawenforcementpersonnelin

higher crime areas

• Defunddistrictattorneyswhoputcriminalsbackon

the streets

• EndpoliticallymotivatedDepartmentofJustice


Protect American Workers

• Freeze non-defense federal spending

• Reverse Biden energy Executive Orders to unleash

American energy

• End work from home for federal workers

• Reinstate rules that protect work for independent

contractors in the gig economy

• Reject Biden rule that requires companies to track

emissions through supply chains

• End Biden’s ESG retirement investment rule

• Allow liquid natural gas transportation

• Reverse Biden’s agreement to allow international

entities to tax American companies

Protect American Values

• Appoint the most conservative cabinet and judiciary ever assembled

• RepealExecutiveOrdersthatrequirethegovernmentto provide abortive services

• Dropallfederallitigationsupportingabortioninstates • Stopfundingforanychildtransgenderreassignment


• Blockfundingforschoolsthatpromotechildsexual


• Reinstateprotectionsforreligiousgroupsinfederal
