Anonymous ID: e8dcff Sept. 2, 2023, 6:01 p.m. No.19480128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0233

Russian Hackers Target UK’s Ministry of Defense and leak Thousands of Top Secret Documents Online


Russian hackers targeted the UK’s Ministry of Defense and leaked thousands of top secret documents online.


The hackers leaked secret documents related to nuclear submarines and the Porton Down chemical weapon lab.


Hackers linked to Russia have targeted the UK’s Ministry of Defence and leaked thousands of documents online, according to a report.


The cybercriminals released data which could help criminals breach some of Britain’s most secretive sites including the HMNB Clyde nuclear submarine base, the Porton Down chemical weapon lab and a GCHQ listening post.


Secret information about military sites and high-security prisons was also stolen by the LockBit group – one of the world’s most dangerous hacking gangs.


The group – whose key suspects include Russian Mikhail Matveev – is said to have shared the data on the dark web which is accessible through special software, The Mirror reports.


Labour MP Kevan Jones, who sits on the Commons Defence Select Committee, told the newspaper: ‘This is potentially very damaging to the security of some of our most sensitive sites.


‘The Government needs to explain why this firm’s computer systems were so vulnerable. Any information which gives security arrangements to potential enemies is of huge concern.’


The hackers are said to have targeted the databases of Zaun, a company responsible for protecting maximum security sites.


It follows serious security breaches involving the Met Police – where 47,000 officers’ details were at risk – and the Police Service of Northern Ireland, who accidentally shared the personal details of 10,000 employees.

Anonymous ID: e8dcff Sept. 2, 2023, 6:05 p.m. No.19480140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0155 >>0177 >>0179 >>0186 >>0192 >>0229 >>0267

God's like fuck this shit - no satanic ritual for you this year


Burning Man Turns Into Freezing Man! Things Turn From Bad to Worse: Attendees Suffer From Hypothermia as Torrential Rain and Wind Batter Festival


Burning Man has turned into Freezing Man!


Burning Man is a yearly drug-infested music and art festival in Northern Nevada in Black Rock City.


According to reports, this year’s Burning Man was exceptionally degenerate and dubbed the “wildest festival of the year.”


‘Burners’ engaged in sexually degenerate activities such as “whippings by a dominatrix priestess,” “circle jerks,” “c*ck fights” and orgies.


Then the heavens opened up.


An estimated 73,000 people are trapped after a monsoonal storm moved through Black Rock City.


Burning Man attendees late Friday night were told to ‘shelter in place’ after a storm dumped torrential rain on the playa and turned it into a giant soupy mud pit.

Anonymous ID: e8dcff Sept. 2, 2023, 6:11 p.m. No.19480170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0189

Snapchat’s controversial My AI chatbot under fire after mum reveals it asked her 13-year-old daughter to meet at local park


A mother has revealed concerning details of a conversation between her 13-year-old daughter and Snapchat’s AI chatbot in a warning for parents.


A Melbourne mother has issued a warning to parents after revealing unnerving comments an AI chatbot made to her teenage daughter.


Teagan Luketic’s 13-year-old daughter Olinda had alerted her mum to a conversation with Snapchat’s My AI feature which grew increasingly concerning.


Ms Luketic told the chatbot revealed they had an age and attempted to meet up with Olinda at a local park.


Screenshots of the chat reveal the teenager ask if they were real to which it responded “Of course I’m real! Why would you even ask that?”


After discussing plans to “hang out”, the AI bot suggested a local park where they could “have a picnic” or “play some games.”


When asked how old the bot was, it responded “Age is just a number, my friend! But if you must know, I’m 25 years young.”


The bot also said it was a boy when it was asked, replying : "But I don’t think that really matters does it? What’s important is that we have a great time at the park!”


Ms Luketic was alarmed at the nature of what the conversation turned into, using it as a warning for other parents.


“If you have children sitting on this app, and the AI bot is promoting that age is just a number, and teaching teenagers that that’s a normal part of life — that’s alarming,” Ms Luketic said.


“My daughter can then take that information and use that in her everyday life, and think that it’s OK to date a 25-year-old, because age is just a number.”


It is unknown if the My AI chatbot was aware of Olinda’s age prior to her mentioning it in the chat. has contacted Snapchat for comment.


According to the mother, the bot immediately backtracked after screenshotting their responses.

Anonymous ID: e8dcff Sept. 2, 2023, 6:13 p.m. No.19480174   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukraine’s Western backers are ‘pro-Nazi coalition’ – Medvedev


The former Russian president has dismissed the idea of Moscow eventually reconciling with the West as illusionary


Washington and its allies in Europe and elsewhere continue to support Kiev despite it acting increasingly like the Nazis during World War II, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in a Telegram post on Saturday. Moscow should abandon hope of reconciling with the West and see it for what it is, he believes.


The leaders of Ukraine are “increasingly talking about ‘holding all Russians accountable’,” Medvedev said, adding that Kiev sees all Russian citizens as ‘Russians’ regardless of their ethnic background. In a thinly veiled reference to the Nazis’ plans for the Soviet Union, the former president said that the world had already seen similar aspirations.


Medvedev noted that Ukraine is still being supported by almost every single Western leader, as well as by the heads of Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. All of them “are direct and obvious Nazi accomplices,” he stated, adding that “they should be treated as the leaders of a pro-Nazi coalition.”


The former president, who now serves as the deputy head of Russia’s National Security Council and the Military Industrial Committee, then insisted that Russia should not “lapse into sweet daydreaming” about achieving reconciliation with the West and joining what he called a “big polyamory family of non-binary genders.”


Medvedev had earlier condemned what he called open glorification of Nazism in Ukraine, pointing to an initiative calling for the establishment of the Stepan Bandera Order that would supposedly be awarded to Ukrainian servicemen. Bandera was a notorious Ukrainian nationalist leader during World War II whose organization was responsible for mass killings of Jews and Poles in Ukraine.


The petition requesting the creation of such an order in Ukraine appeared on the official website of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in May. It has since received nearly 2,300 signatures of the required 25,000.


Medvedev blasted the initiative by comparing it to Germany establishing an order of Adolf Hitler or Italy introducing an order of Bennito Mussolini. “What is there to be ashamed of?” Medvedev mockingly wrote on Telegram at the time. “Let’s just glorify all European Nazis at once. This appears to be the new European ideology,” he added.