Anonymous ID: a945c1 Sept. 2, 2023, 6:58 p.m. No.19480333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0350 >>0466

Ronda's Panties


'' Murdoch Sad – WSJ Post Debate Poll Shows Support for DeSantis Collapsing, Pre-Debate 24%, Post-Debate 13%''


September 3, 2023

Rupert Murdoch has big sad as his Wall Street Journal outlet admits their poll looks terrible for Ron DeSantis. [WSJ HERE]

Currently with only 13% support, DeSantis’s position has collapsed since April, when WSJ showed 24% backed him.


Additionally, Chris Chrustie and Mike Underpence are the two candidates with the highest unfavorable rating by Republican voters, -73% and -63% respectively. Respondents show their opinion worsening mostly due to Christie and Pence position against frontrunner Donald Trump.


It looks like the Wall Street and RNC Big Club donors are now eyeing Nikki “test the wind” Haley, as the best option to try and stop Godzilla Trump. This shift likely explains why DeSantis campaign operative Jeff Roe was begging donors for another $50 million last week, as discovered in leaked audio from meetings with them during the high-brow events in Wisconsin.


Wall Street Journal – […] At 13% support, DeSantis’s position has collapsed since April, when 24% backed him in a slightly different field of candidates tested by the Journal.


GOP primary voters believe businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and former Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina, far more than any other candidates, exceeded expectations in the televised Aug. 23 GOP debate among eight of Trump’s rivals. But those impressions so far haven’t turned into significant ballot support, with Haley the first choice of 8% and Ramaswamy at 5%.


Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, who has cast himself as an affable warrior for conservative causes, has made little headway after three months of campaigning, drawing 2% support.


Republicans nationally are rejecting the candidates who most sharply criticize Trump: Former Govs. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas drew 3% and 1% support, respectively. Christie is the most unpopular GOP candidate tested, with 73% holding an unfavorable view of him.


The image of former Vice President Mike Pence, who turned aside Trump’s request to block Congress from certifying the 2020 vote, has tarnished among primary voters. In April, 54% viewed him favorably. Now, 30% view him favorably, and 63% have an unfavorable view. He’s the choice of 2% for the party nomination.


“DeSantis collapsed,” said Bocian. “The one candidate who back in April really seemed to be a potential contender, seemed to have a narrative to tell, has totally collapsed, and those votes went to Trump.” (read more)



Anonymous ID: a945c1 Sept. 2, 2023, 7:01 p.m. No.19480350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0359 >>0385 >>0393




Last point… Watch Noem.

Originally the Sea Island group had a DeSantis/Noem ticket as their best outcome. Noem now looks to be positioning herself as the 2024 Mike Pence VP option.


Remember, whoever is VP in 2024 will likely be the nominee in 2028. The Big Club always plays the long game.


Stay elevated.


Stay unemotional.


Stay strategic in outlook.


McConnell will not last. South Dakota Senator John Thune will replace him.


Thune and Noem, compatriots from South Dakota, would have a Kock-inspired nudge-nudge/wink-wink outlook to undermine Trump policy agenda from 2025 through 2029.


Accept things as they are, not as we would wish them to be. This is a generational battle. We didn’t get into this mess in one election cycle, and we are not going to get ourselves out of this mess in one election cycle.


This is what cozying up looks like:

For the first time since our fireworks at Mount Rushmore, President @realDonaldTrump will be returning to South Dakota next week!


We’re excited to welcome him back to the best state in America to live, work, and raise a family.


— Krusti Noem (@KristiNoem) September 1, 2023




Anonymous ID: a945c1 Sept. 2, 2023, 7:13 p.m. No.19480389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0396


Kristi Noem - Her Lips Are Moving So She Is Lying

Governor were you distracted by your recent massive botox injections?



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.



I don't know what deep state Tucker Carlons and Dinesh D'Souza are perving on taking out Kristi Noem as I do not care. What I care about is the TRUTH and in the following Tucker Carlson interview in which he looks like he is sucking sour Noem nipples in trying to figure out what Noem is hiding in she is not going after NCAA and Chamber of Commerce with Amazon for her cronies, there is a huge lie that Noem is not called on.


I will get to this.



Noem Lying like a Cheap Whore in an Ally.



Noem's excuse for not signing this bill is that South Dakota will be sued and that she has sent the bill back to Congress to be rectified as she has been talking to legal experts for months in how to deal with trans pervs.



I know you missed the lie in the above, so the Lame Cherry weighs in as the poor orphan girl.


Is South Dakota a state like New York, California, Texas or Florida in being huge? Hell no it is not, as one metro has more people than South Dakota. When the GOP has Lincoln Dinners and Attorney Generals run over drunks on the road, all the GOP is there licking each other's fingers.


In small states, Kristi Noem came up from the legislature, like Rounds and Thune. They ALL know each other and they all have worked together. So how is it, that this Governor, with months of warnings and chatter from legal scholars, never had lunch with the GOP House and Senate majorities and said, "Listen, we are going to get sued on this bill, so here is what the experts say, so let's fix the bill, so we do not have more abortion suits which hurt us".


Kristi Noem did not do that. I repeat, Kristi Noem knew how to write this bill and DID NOT HELP WRITING THIS BILL WITH HER OWN PARTY LEADERSHIP.


Life review in this, Kristi Noem said she was going to sign this bill and then renigged.


She was either lying in talking to experts for months or she deliberately sabotaged this bill so it would protect gender pervs, just like she protected Chinese Communist slaughter houses in South Dakota in keeping them open while South Dakotans died from foreign invaders spreading the coof.


That is the lie of Kristi Noem. She is a damned fraud, who did not know jack or shit about this bill. She was too busy preening as the next President in fraud elections to bother with legislation. Instead she got caught flat footed, was not threatened, but was ORDERED to not sign this bill, or her cronies were going to lose money in human traffick in marketing children in sports. That is what Kristi Noem is about and her actions prove she lied, and is now lying to cover up. All she cares about is her Daugaard, Thune, Rounds, Bush, Romney money vaults, as that is what comes out of South Dakota is Bush for Thune, Romney for Rounds, and there is NO REAGAN Republicanism allowed to flourish, and Donald Trump did not help jack or shit in this either when he eliminated the one woman who would have voted with him, and helped fraud Dusty Johnson get installed for election theft.


Noem is being tanked by the GOP elite in Tucker Carlson and good riddance as she only plays the real girlfriend experience for the time on the money clock, and then robs you as she goes out the door. This woman disappoints because she is not real. Kristi Noem's lips are moving so she is lying.


Noem just outed herself as an irresponsible Governor in not advising Congress on bills or she is a tool of the conglomerates. She has two legs and she stands on both.



Nuff Said.






Anonymous ID: a945c1 Sept. 2, 2023, 7:20 p.m. No.19480407   🗄️.is 🔗kun


''Kristi Noem's South Dakota: A Trump Kind of State''

I once caught VD off a golf cart… least that is what I told Melania.


Donald Trump endorses South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's reelection bid


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.



As I type this, it is February 15th, meaning 6 weeks into 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, and it seems the love that Governor Kristi Noem, the Corona Queen, wants to give to the world in vetoing protection from sex perverts in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, has opened a new kind love with benefits for South Dakotans and the Vax Refugees which Noem keeps luring to South Dakota.


Here is the headline.


Syphilis cases up 900% in South Dakota


That is a remarkable accomplishment. Just 6 weeks into a new year and Noem has almost a 1000 percent increase in sex diseases in the state.



Men with stinky penises are not forming the "turn your head and cough ranks" as the Clap is surging in South Dakota too. Noem in 6 weeks has almost broken the 5 year average for the clap. One can see now why Donald Trump desires Noem as his Vice Presiden and CPAC, land of the pedophiles desires Noem as a featured speaker, because anyone investing in VD drugs is going to make more money than Anthony Fauci and the plague as Noem under Trump will do for America what Noem did for South Dakota.


South Dakota's slogan used to be Land of Infinite Variety, now under Kristi Noem, it is Land of Infinite VD


It is a logical projection in what is causing this. Noem caters to the foreign slave trade in the meat slaughterhouses. Foreigners are filthy. Numbers of the Beaners fuck Sioux squaws who sleep with everyone on the Rez. So when you have a few infected Beaners, they spread like the plague in the Beaner an Sioux whores. This is not a bad thing, as South Dakota imported some California billionaire who took over the hospitals and is rumored to be a pedo and why Noem was protecting sex deviants last year, and as his hospitals treat the slave trade, it is a better money maker than cancer, as VD rub rubs on every time you fuck, so that is really a money making business, and the best part is the infected foreigners handle all your spinach and pork so you get a little VD on the side too.


Just thought we all should be kept appraised of the kind of leader Kristi Noem is and why Donald Trump is so sweet on her.


Nuff Said



Anonymous ID: a945c1 Sept. 2, 2023, 7:27 p.m. No.19480434   🗄️.is 🔗kun



September 22, T.A. 3001

''Bilbo's Farewell Party was a grand celebration held by Bilbo Baggins on his 111st birthday in the Party Field, on September 22, T.A. 3001. It was coincidentally also the 33rd birthday of his nephew Frodo Baggins.''



September 23

''When is the first day of fall? The autumnal equinox—the September equinox or the fall equinox—arrives on Saturday, September 23. ''