Fuck it
I wanna play
What is the dictionary definitions
Anti. And
Come on you can do much better
I know you can
Semite….extinct tribe
Semetic….extinct language
You against dead peeps an stuff daddio
Give it to me baby
Was doing a job
Northeast Ohio
Fracking all farm land around
Lady could set her tap water on fire
So many choices so little time
Bankers clocks going tic toc
BRICS. Meetings
Pharma killing people for years " cancer"
Politicians bought by others
Children being sold by their mothers
So many involved …cannot be just one
As in the times of Noah
Gonna get interesting…..
Learned long time ago
If I meddle in it ….
Let it go…
Not taking our problems back is the hard part
Now you know good and we'll
They have. MSM news coverage there
It's all a big mass cass event…unfolding ..watch da movie