>they employ identity politics
Like what?
When will you point out that the bad apples are jews and those loyal to judaism? The Christ killers.
>the shills want you to believe in white genocide, goyim.
oh shit, son
Please point out the international jew, Q.
It's too obvious not to be told and not doing so makes you look suspect, honestly.
I dont even mind if you present it in a "not all jews" sort of way.
(((shills))) need to be cut off at the knees and you're the only one who can do it and get this operation running like a well oiled machine again.
man I'm so tired of hearing about that anti-white nigger. he hung a white kid in one of his videos for fuck's sake.
I'm not a kike, so no.
fuck off cuck
it looks like The Brand from the Berserk manga.
will you quit carrying water for the sons of Loki?