Thanks, had it down as Furry. Feelin generous and gonna leave it
Live from Black Rock
Background noises coming from the snake ball orgy slithering and groaning in the mud
Releasing campaign fundraiser propaganda of Lindshit Grahams monkey pox riddled ass with the caption
Text to Ladybugs
Perhaps the orgy gods are sleeping, n/a.
Pray to AI for salvation, made in silicon image
Or try katyel ler and stoke merry dick poo charm
Boosters made you mad? Or the unceasing rain. Impotent to hold back the tears, you may need the salt
Confiscate degenerates wealth and watch it come back to life
Deltas ALL DAY
Spell check witchery
Why get all red red hysterical, one should calmly read and discern. Here try this one on for size—
that only works on outnumbered
Go tell it on the mountain