Anonymous ID: d4d840 Sept. 3, 2023, 3:22 p.m. No.19484734   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I am sure that if I started a law suit against the SS, police, and hospital for the pain and suffering, plus the two attempted murders that I went through on 12/27/19 for warning about the upcoming pandemic and riots, that I would be awarded at least a half billion or more, which would pale this mans profits. I refrain for the sake of the PDJT burdens, for the welfare of the country, and for the tax payers (cause in reality they are ones who pay). Trust me, I was blacklisted by the top of the top DS elite for well over a decade before Trump was elected and no one has been under more attacks during this whole fiasco in this country than me. But I understand that the free world depends on his success; so I endure the attacks and poverty. This man couldn't even endure one day regardless of having all the wealth that he needs. It has always been this way since I can remember: sellout America and become rich, fight for America and suffer in poverty. Even the poor despises the poor. Thank God for the Eye of a needle.