Anonymous ID: 9abf52 Sept. 3, 2023, 7:06 p.m. No.19485919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19485852 (LB)

>>19485836 (LB)


God kills every living thing he has created. Flesh is Temporal and Transient, Like an Illegal Alien in a Foreign Land. It's the Soul that is Container for the Spirit which is Eternal, and gets to spend eternity in learning the Truth. Those who are most offended by the Truth is the Furthest From It.


God Loves You, Jesus Loves You, I Love You but… I Will Fuck With You Until You Awaken from Your Spiritual Slumber.


You Can’t Always Get What You Want – Rolling Stones


Pythagoras was not an extremist. He taught moderation in all things rather than excess in anything, for he believed that an excess of virtue was in itself a vice.


One of his favorite statements was: “We must avoid with our utmost endeavor, and Amputate with Fire and Sword, and by all other means, from the Body, Sickness; from the Soul, Ignorance; from the Belly, Luxury; from a City, Sedition; from a Family, Discord; and from ALL THINGS, Excess.”


Pythagoras also believed that there was no crime equal to that of Anarchy.All Men Know what [They] Want, but few know what they NEED.


Pythagoras warned his disciples that when they prayed they should not pray for themselves; that when they asked things of the gods they should not ask things for themselves, because no man knows what is good for him and it is for this reason undesirable to ask for things which, if obtained, would only prove to be injurious.


The God of Pythagoras was the Monad, or the ONE that IS Everything. He described God as the Supreme Mind distributed throughout ALL parts of the Uni-Verse – The Cause of all things, the intelligence of all things, and the Power within all things.


He further declared the motion of God to be circular, the body of God to be composed of the substance of Light, and the Nature of God to be composed of the substance of TRUTH.

Anonymous ID: 9abf52 Sept. 3, 2023, 7:10 p.m. No.19485947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6018

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