My tiny table digital clock gets the time from the air waves and it's 25 seconds too fast.
That's strange because when it needs battery replacement, last time last year, it was slow.
The airwaves of getting time is faster now?
My tiny table digital clock gets the time from the air waves and it's 25 seconds too fast.
That's strange because when it needs battery replacement, last time last year, it was slow.
The airwaves of getting time is faster now?
Atomic Clock
An atomic clock is a clock that measures time by monitoring the resonant frequency of atoms.
It is based on atoms having different energy levels.
Electron states in an atom are associated with different energy levels, and in transitions between such states they interact with a very specific frequency of electromagnetic radiation.
This phenomenon serves as the basis for the International System of Units' (SI) definition of a second: …
Radio Clock
A radio clock or radio-controlled clock (RCC), and often (incorrectly and colloquially) referred to as an "atomic clock", is a type of quartz clock or watch that is automatically synchronized to a time code transmitted by a radio transmitter connected to a time standard such as an atomic clock.
Whoa, I thought 12hr and 24hr was one thing, but now there are types of "clocks".
Random clipart: The time from sun.