>you guys are really shilling hard that human waste ain't no big deal.
There's a lot to this topic. I think the infamous "they" are trying to create a controllable loop of intake and waste for us (regular humanity). Remember "them" telling people they can't collect rain water, for example.
If you have 100,000 stinking hogs you can, in some parts of the country fill a lagoon with the sh*t and then legally spread it on fields as "fertilizer". Now consider a suburban or rural family that has that disgusting (!), unsanitary (oh my!) "septic tank". How does that even come close to the hazard and disgust factor of 100,000 hogs? Answer: It doesn't. However if you don't have "sewers" that take the filth back to the wastewater treatment plant and then possibly send it back out with all sorts of additives how can you: 1. Monitor what's in the waste and 2. charge people insane sums of money with the expensive "sewer line" grift.
I am aware of two composting toilet situations: One that I visited and can state it did not stink and another used in a Florida off-grid homestead the products of which could be turned into garden fertilizer after some period of outdoor decomposition.
I also know of a person who "doggie bagged" their waste and put it out with the trash. Why is this a big deal if CCP hog farms can create multi-million gallon lagoons and then proceed to cover our food crops with it? Why is this a big deal if it is okay to put city sewage waste on crops for human consumption?