Jogging or mud slogging through monkey ass pox, that’s an STD - motherFucker!
This has the feels Of homeless brandon as ralph and the mustard shitter as petery strkesz tinkin hes beloved and effective
The sounds of stupid aIiiiiiiiiiiii
You g
Participating hypochondriac ex UNsolicitor general and groiupies demand all to follow thar health directives
Enter the Boils stage left comes lice&flies - d FROGS r here
Never knew mother in law was trans - yikes
Throw that worthless pos cert and grab em by the back of thar nigger pussies by starting yo own medical board, DOC
Boring into muh boifrens arsehole will yield much… Speakeasy turncoat er
Blaming the Keef for. Intimidation but turns tail like Biden when Lavendar is mentioned.
Conclusion, lavendar is the cause of climate change, scares them into a fleeing shitting panic
Invasive species, is too kind as a tag for the far left/nigger/right lunatic fringe