Since the revolution made its entry into Germany and mon¬ archists patriotism died out of its own accord, the purpose of instruction in history is really nothing more than the mere ac¬ quisition of knowledge.
This state cannot use national enthusi¬ asm; but what it would like to have it will never get. For no more than there could be a dynastic patriotism endowed with the ulti¬ mate power of resistance in an age governed by the principle of nationalities , much less can there be a republican enthusiasm. For there can be no doubt that under the motto, ‘
For the Re¬ public,’ the German people would not remain in the battlefield for any four and one-half years; least of all did those remain who have created this amazing structure.
Actually this Republic owes its unshorn existence only to its willingness , of which it gives assurance on all sides , voluntarily to assume all tribute payments and sign every renunciation of territory. It is liked by the rest of the world; just as every weakling is considered more agreeable by those who need him than a rough man. True, this sympathy on the part of enemies is the most annihilating criti¬ cism for precisely this state form.
Our enemies love the German Republic and let it live because they could not find a better ally for their enslavement of our people.
To this fact alone does this magnificent structure owe its present existence.