I don't think that they are overwhelmed, they are just tapping into all available funding.
She shouldn't be able to use those troops like that.
what they are doing is enabling criminal activity of allowing invaders to loot the welfare system.
the voucher welfare though really enriches the 'providers' far more than those who use it.
the 'free it's me, donate to my charity' class of folks provide 'services'.
Healey is facilitating an invasion and keeping lodging prices inflated.
so instead of a collapse in the cost of lodging, they keep it very expensive.
the non-profit grifters are in their hay-day with this invasion.
there is a church near me and they put up purple flags for the addicts all on their lawn.
My thought was 'gee, who made a killing laundering non-profit money into useless symbology and thought 'their need for symbolism . . . etc'.
would the money to put up virtue signalling displays of purple flags be better spent on providing actual services for the drug addicts?
Then I thought 'am I being judgemental? am I wrong about this'?
but what I see is the welfare system enabling the situation and the so-called non profit 'providers' profiteering off of it.
meanwhile the public has to pay for it and the politicians live in mansions.