Anonymous ID: 2bb612 Sept. 4, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.19489214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9222 >>9227 >>9248 >>9254 >>9275 >>9502 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780

Health effects of weed laid bare: Marijuana is behind 3 in 10 schizophrenia cases,

can be a death sentence in pregnant users, but Biden STILL wants to ease restrictions on the drug


A nationwide social experiment launched by a wave of marijuana legalizations is finally bearing results in the form of higher depression rates and addiction. more than 40 million adults - 16 percent of the population - use marijuana, a rate that has more than doubled in the last 10 years amid a seismic cultural shift toward accepting it not so much as a drug but rather as a medicine. detailed the health risks and benefits associated with cannabis use.

Anonymous ID: 2bb612 Sept. 4, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.19489227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9248 >>9502 >>9570 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780


1) The link between recreational marijuana use and alcohol consumption in recent years has been most significant among younger adults 18 to 24

2) The above shows cannabis use across American states. Twenty-one states and DC have legalized it for recreational use in addition to medicinal use, while nearly all now allow it to be used for medicinal purposes

3) Marijuana is typically considered to be a low-risk drug, but consistent use can drive up a myriad of health risks including major depression, poor sleep, and dependence

4) More than four percent of US women use marijuana while pregnant, a CDC report revealed

5) Most expectant mothers consumed marijuana in some form to deal with anxiety and relieve nausea

Anonymous ID: 2bb612 Sept. 4, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19489250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9263 >>9502 >>9522 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780

Lost in translation! Turkey's President Erdogan 'declares war' with Russia

thanks to an interpreter's blunder in front of a surprised Vladimir Putin


The Russian dictator appeared momentarily nonplussed as the interpreter translated the Ankara president's opening remarks at a summit in Sochi. 'There is war between Russia and Turkey,' announced the Turkish-Russian translation of Erdogan's remarks. Turkey is a NATO state so such a war would engulf the entire world. 'The current situation between Ukraine and Russia….This is the backdrop of this visit,' said Erdogan, as he made clear he wanted to act as a broker over the grain deal to feed the world's poorest nations. 'And your invitation - we are glad to have received this invitation. My delegation is glad to have received this invitation.' Telegram channel Crimean Wind called out an 'epic mistake' by the official interpreter at the summit between Turkey, a NATO member, and Russia.

Anonymous ID: 2bb612 Sept. 4, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.19489309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9332 >>9502 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780

Elon Musk·19m

To be super clear, I’m pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind



Who was questioning this?


Elon Musk

Since the acquisition, The @ADL has been trying to kill this platformby falsely accusing it & me of being anti-Semitic


1:45 PM · Sep 4, 2023·18.3K Views

Anonymous ID: 2bb612 Sept. 4, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.19489326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9359 >>9502 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780

MAR 2, 2022

Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda

The eruption of war between Russia and Ukraine appears to have given the CIA the pretext to launch a long-planned insurgency in the country, one poised to spread far beyond Ukraine’s borders with major implications for Biden’s “War on Domestic Terror”


As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate and dominate the world’s attention, the increasing evidence that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is and has been working to create and arm an insurgency in the country has received considerably little attention considering its likely consequences. This is particularly true given that former CIA officials and a former Secretary of State are now openly saying that the CIA is following the “models” of past CIA-backed insurgencies in Afghanistan and Syria for its plans in Ukraine. Given that those countries have been ravaged by war as a direct result of those insurgencies, this bodes poorly for Ukraine.


Yet, this insurgency is poised to have consequences that reach far beyond Ukraine. It increasingly appears that the CIA sees the insurgency it is creating as more than an opportunity to take its hybrid war against Russia ever closer to its borders. As this report will show, it appears the CIA is determined to manifest a prophecy propagated by its own ranks over the past two years. This prediction from former and current intelligence officials dates from at least early 2020 and holds that a “transnational white supremacist network” with alleged ties to the Ukraine conflict will be the next global catastrophe to befall the world as the threat of Covid-19 recedes. …



Anonymous ID: 2bb612 Sept. 4, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.19489359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9403 >>9502 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780

Whitney Webb

Since US Neo Nazis w ties to Ukraine are in the news, consider checking out my past work on this issue



>MAR 2, 2022

>Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda


For those not reading: The CIA seems determined to manifest a prophecy propagated by its own ranks over the past 2 years -that a “transnational white supremacist network” w alleged ties to the Ukraine conflict will be the next global catastrophe to befall the world after Covid.


1:32 AM · Sep 4, 2023

Anonymous ID: 2bb612 Sept. 4, 2023, 11:03 a.m. No.19489383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9397 >>9502 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780


Wow @LauraLoomer may have just uncovered an act of war on the United States by Ukrainian intelligence assets on J6


This was never disclosed to the public


Why are we funding a country that helped coordinate J6?!


How deep does this go?


Hey GOP - time to INVESTIGATE!


Laura Loomer

Jacob Chansley confirmed himself last night that nobody else has reported this.


Why did the FBI hide the fact that they were asking J6ers and their lawyers during interviews if they knew the Ukrainian Spy Sergai Dybynyn?


Why has the FBI and CIA hidden the fact that Ukraine committed an act of war against the US on J6 2021?


And why is our government still sending Billions of dollars to Ukraine to fund these Nazis who are trying to carry out a color resolution in the US?


>>19489033 LB

>This is massive. You all need to read this.

>I have exclusively confirmed that the FBI identified Ukrainian operatives and Neo Nazis who were at the US Capitol on J6 and even questioned J6ers about these Ukrainian spies during interviews with the FBI.


11:53 AM · Sep 4, 2023·214.9K Views

Anonymous ID: 2bb612 Sept. 4, 2023, 11:17 a.m. No.19489463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9478 >>9502 >>9578 >>9703 >>9745 >>9780

The New York Times

Breaking News: Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, will visit President Vladimir Putin in Russia to discuss supplying North Korean weaponry for the Ukraine war.


Kim Jong-un and Putin Plan to Meet in Russia to Discuss Weapons

Russia seeks more weaponry for its war in Ukraine, and a North Korean delegation recently traveled to Russia by train to plan for Mr. Kim’s visit this month, officials say.


2:14 PM · Sep 4, 2023

Anonymous ID: 2bb612 Sept. 4, 2023, 11:19 a.m. No.19489478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9494 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780




Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, plans to travel to Russia this month to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin to discuss the possibility of supplying Russia with more weaponry for its war in Ukraine and other military cooperation, according to American and allied officials.


In a rare foray from his country, Mr. Kim would travel from Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital, probably by armored train, to Vladivostok, on the Pacific Coast of Russia, where he would meet with Mr. Putin, the officials said. Mr. Kim could possibly go to Moscow, though that is not certain.


Mr. Putin wants Mr. Kim to agree to send Russia artillery shells and antitank missiles, and Mr. Kim would like Russia to provide North Korea with advanced technology for satellites and nuclear-powered submarines, the officials said. Mr. Kim is also seeking food aid for his impoverished nation.


Both leaders would be on the campus of Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok to attend the Eastern Economic Forum, which is scheduled to run Sept. 10 to 13, according to the officials. Mr. Kim also plans to visit Pier 33, where naval ships from Russia’s Pacific fleet dock, they said. North Korea celebrates the anniversary of its founding on Sept. 9.


On Wednesday, the White House warned that Mr. Putin and Mr. Kim had exchanged letters discussing a possible arms deal, citing declassified intelligence. A White House spokesman, John F. Kirby, said high-level talks on military cooperation between the two nations were “actively advancing.” U.S. officials declined to give more details on the state of personal ties between the leaders, who are considered adversaries of the United States.


The new information about a planned meeting between them goes far beyond the previous warning. The intelligence relating to the plans has not been declassified or downgraded by the United States, and the officials describing it were not authorized to discuss it. They declined to provide details on how spy agencies had collected the information.


While the White House declined to discuss the new intelligence, Adrienne Watson, a National Security Council spokeswoman, said in a statement that Sergei K. Shoigu, the Russian defense minister, traveled to North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, to try to persuade Pyongyang to sell artillery ammunition to Russia.