Anonymous ID: 43ff10 Sept. 4, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19489624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9726



Trump and anons winning

"We Will Not Comply" going viral = mass resistance , mass movement

non-violent, passive resistance = We Won.

Trump numbers.

  • Trump ordered segtions of the military including Space Force to monitor / surveill the elections.

The Democrat dumb fucks didn't pay attention to "Q" thinking it was a ridiculous conspiracy theory LARP - so were caught flat footed.

After the 4 indictment DJTrump announced

now I have full subpoena Powerand notion dawned on them that they are totally fucked; and Trump side has all the evidence

On way or another it's all coming out; either in Court or in the "Court of Public Opinion"

So the crooks (and they are manifold) now more openly than ever show their hand and climb the walls

They are desperate that the news of "Do Not Comply" never reach the normies.


tht's why gorefag is here.

to get rid of normie eyes

Anonymous ID: 43ff10 Sept. 4, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.19489836   🗄️.is 🔗kun



check out Biden's record:


Biden accomplished this subversion of traditional America while debilitated and often mentally inert—along with being mired in a bribery and influence-peddling scandal that may ultimately confirm that he easily was the most corrupt president to hold office in U.S. history.


How was all this possible?


Covid had allowed the unwell Biden to run a surrogate campaign from his basement as he outsourced his politicking to a corrupt media.


Senility proved a godsend for Biden. His cognitive disabilities masked his newfound radicalism and long-accustomed incompetence. Unlike his past failed campaigns, the lockdowns allowed Biden to be rarely seen or heard—and thus as much liked in the abstract as he had previously been disliked in the concrete.


His handlers, the Obamas, and the Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren radical Democrats, saw Biden’s half-century pretense as a gladhander—good ole Joe Biden from Scranton—as the perfect delivery system to funnel their own otherwise-unpopular leftwing agendas. In sum, via the listless Biden, they sought to change the very way America used to work.


And what a revolution Biden’s puppeteers have unleashed in less than three years.

"What the left did to our Country"


Easier to destroy than to create.

DJTrump created a great company

Bidan destroyed a great country

Propaganda "by the Book" by proven pathological liar PedoJo