Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.19489432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9502 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780

Twitter Shuts Down Generation Identity after Meeting with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt


Despite promises to restore free speech, Twitter / X deleted numerous accounts belonging to patriotic youth movement Generation Identity in Germany. The block came a few days after police raids on GI supporters in southern Germany and Switzerland.


“This is unacceptable, Elon Musk. You promised us freedom of speech on this platform, not totalitarian censorship like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is propagating,” commented a GI Twitter channel.


A few days earlier, Elon Musk’s new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, met with Trump-hating online troll Jonathan Greenblatt of the notorious far left hate group Anti-Defamation League (ADL).


Former head of Advertising and Partnerships at NBCUniversal Linda Yaccarino is a member of the World Economic Forum, which strives for world-wide censorship and undermining democracy in the interest of what WEF founder Klaus Schwab calls “The Great Reset”.


“I had a very frank + productive conversation with Linda Yaccarino yesterday about X , what works and what doesn’t, and where it needs to go to address hate effectively on the platform. I appreciated her reaching out and I’m hopeful the service will improve. ADL will be vigilant and give her and ElonMusk credit if the service gets better… and reserve the right to call them out until it does,” Greenblatt wrote.

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.19489447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9502 >>9578 >>9745 >>9780

Putin comments on grain deal after meeting with Erdogan


Moscow will return to the Black Sea initiative only after the West lifts restrictions on Russian agricultural exports, the president has said


The West essentially forced Moscow to terminate its participation in the Black Sea grain initiative by failing to lift sanctions on Russian agricultural exports, President Vladimir Putin has said. The Russian leader was commenting after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in Sochi on Monday.


At a press conference following their talks, Putin stated that Russia is willing to return to the grain deal but only if all sides of the agreement fulfill their obligations.


The Russian leader claimed that while Moscow had ensured the safety of grain corridors from Ukrainian ports, Kiev had “used these corridors to conduct terrorist attacks.” Putin also argued that the deal had failed to resolve the global food crisis due to series issues in the fair distribution of grain.


According to the Russian leader, the West “lied about the Black Sea deal’s goal of helping developing countries,” as over 70% of the grain shipped out of Ukraine had gone to the EU and other developed nations, while only 3% ended up in states that needed it the most.


Putin stated that regardless of the deal, Russia remains committed to exporting fertilizer and other agricultural products in order to stabilize the world market. He announced that Moscow intends to send 1 million tons of grain at a “preferential price” for processing in Türkiye and the subsequent free transportation to the poorest nations of the world.


He added that Moscow hopes that this initiative will receive support from the government of Qatar, which has also expressed its willingness to help developing countries.


The president added that Russia is close to finalizing a deal with six African states about the free delivery of agricultural products, noting that negotiations are in their final stages and that shipments could begin in several weeks.

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:19 a.m. No.19489480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9578 >>9745 >>9792 >>9835 >>9874

Pfizer Asks Court To Revoke Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Patents


Pfizer and its partner BioNTech have asked a U.S. court to revoke Moderna's patents for COVID-19 vaccine technology.


Pfizer and BioNTech said in new filings to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's Patent Trial and Appeal Board that Moderna's patents are so broad that they essentially "coopt the entire field" of messenger RNA technology, which is used in some COVID-19 vaccines.


The patents, obtained during the COVID-19 pandemic, are "unimaginably broad" and cover technology that was known long before 2015, when Moderna says it developed the technology, one filing stated.


Moderna didn't respond to a request for comment.


One Moderna patent being challenged covers messenger RNA vaccines with the spike protein or spike protein subunit of any betacoronavirus, such as COVID-19, delivered into the human body through a lipid delivery system. Another covers similar technology.


Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking an inter partes review of a trial at the board that would go over whether the technology Moderna patented was already described.


Scientists found in 1990 that messenger RNA could be used in ways that would improve vaccines, and in 1993, scientists found that vaccines with the technology produced an immune response, Pfizer and BioNTech told the court.


They pointed to experiments that Dr. Robert Malone and others reported in 1990 in Science magazine and tests described in a 1993 paper in the European Journal of Immunology.


Federal law governing patents says that a person shall be entitled to a patent unless the claimed invention was "patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use, on sale, or otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed invention."


Inter partes reviews adjudicate challenges on that basis, an area of patent law known as "prior art."

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:23 a.m. No.19489503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9578 >>9745 >>9792 >>9835 >>9874

CDC & FDA Ignored U.S. Military Investigation Revealing Vaccine Failures, New FOIA Documents Reveal


Non-profit organization ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) has obtained new documents through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). These documents shed light on the disregard by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) towards a U.S. military investigation that reportedly indicated vaccine failures as early as January 2021.


The FOIA documents, made public by ICAN, suggest that the CDC and FDA may have overlooked crucial information regarding the efficacy of vaccines. According to ICAN’s findings, a U.S. military investigation conducted in January 2021 apparently revealed signs of vaccine failures. However, the CDC and FDA allegedly failed to acknowledge or address these concerns adequately.


“Through FOIA requests, ICAN’s attorneys have obtained a September 2021 presentation delivered to FDA and NIH higher-ups, including Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, Peter Marks, and Janet Woodcock, which indicated shocking levels of waning immunity and breakthrough infection among the vaccinated as early as July 2021,” according to the press release.


Humetrix Cloud Services has been awarded a contract by the U.S. military to conduct a comprehensive analysis of vaccine data. The company, known for its expertise in healthcare technology solutions, played a crucial role in helping the military gain valuable insights into the effectiveness and distribution of vaccines.


A concerning trend has emerged regarding the proportion of COVID-19 cases among the senior population. The study revealed that a growing number of vaccinated individuals account for a significant portion of total cases within this age group.


According to recently released data, the emergence of breakthrough cases can be traced back to January 2021.


More from ICAN:


In fact, the data shows that for the final week of July, fully vaccinated individuals made up an estimated 73% of COVID-19 cases and 63% of COVID-19 hospitalizations in the 65+ age group. The presentation goes on to show evidence of rapidly waning immunity, as infection rates 5-6 months post vaccination were twice as high as infection rates 3-4 months post vaccination.


Despite having this data on hand—certainly by the date of the September 13, 2021 presentation, (but likely earlier, as a September 15,2021 email states that the data had been “brought to the CDC three weeks ago”) — public health officials, like Fauci, continued to double-down on the message that vaccines were the key to getting “control of the virus.”


Meanwhile, on September 16, 2021, Collins noted about the data: “Interesting and pretty compelling evidence that VE [vaccine efficacy] is falling 5-6 months post vaccination for both infection and hospitalization for those over 65. Even for those 3-4 months out there is a trend toward worsening VE.”


But the CDC didn’t let the evidence get in the way of its messaging. As late as December 2021, the CDC kept up the outrageous façade that the vaccines offered “similar protection in real-world conditions as they have in clinical trial settings, reducing the risk of COVID-19, including severe illness by 90 percent or more among people who are fully vaccinated.”

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19489520   🗄️.is 🔗kun

These Are The Largest UN Peacekeeping Operations In 2023


The United Nations is withdrawing 13,000 personnel from Mali, in what UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called an “unprecedented” move, following a request from the Malian military junta to vacate the country.


As Statista's Anna Fleck reports, Mali’s Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop told the United Nations Security Council in June that the UN’s peacekeepers had "become a part of the problem in fuelling intercommunal tensions." The UN has been given until December 31 to pull out its mission members, as well as to close its 12 camps and to hand over a temporary base to the authorities.


Mali has been under military rule since a coup in 2012, and has since experienced ongoing instability with separatist and jihadist rebellions. In 2020 and 2021 the country saw two more coup d’etats and in June 2023, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report stating that the Malian armed forces and foreign fighters - allegedly from the Wagner Group who had been brought in to fight jihadist groups - had killed dozens of civilians since December 2022.


The following chart shows that as of May 31, 2023, the Mali peacekeeping mission, formally known as the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, or MINUSMA for short, was the fourth largest of its kind, with more than 13,000 uniformed personnel stationed there. The mission that was established in April 2013 supported the now deposed elected government of Mali with the stabilization of the country. According to the UN peacekeeping platform, a total of 303 MINUSMA personnel have been killed in Mali so far, making it the second deadliest of the 12 UN missions currently ongoing. Only UNIFIL in Lebanon is more fatal for peacekeepers, with 329 deaths recorded.


Three other UN missions currently rank higher in terms of personnel numbers, all of which are in Africa.


As the chart above shows, as of May 31, the largest of the group was the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) with nearly 17,000 personnel, which became operational in September 2014. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) was the second largest with more than 15,000 personnel, followed by MONUSCO, the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with around 14,600 members.

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.19489571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9745 >>9792 >>9835 >>9874

TikTok star Luke Rockwell arrested for sex abuse of a minor in Thailand


US TikTok star and teacher Luke Rockwell has been arrested in Thailand for allegedly having sex with a minor — and recording it, according to local police.


Rockwell, 29, who has 1.3 million followers on TikTok, was booked Sunday in the Wattana District after a mom accused the Florida man of having sex with her 16-year-old daughter while he was teaching kids English in Bangkok, the Bangkok Post reports.


The mother, who was not publicly identified, told police Rockwell and her daughter had been messaging each other before the relationship turned physical. The pair had known each other for about five months.


The influencer also allegedly filmed their sexual encounters, according to the complaint obtained by the Bangkok Post.


After finding out about Rockwell and her child’s alleged relationship, the mother contacted the Department of Welfare For Children and Women, who joined officers from the Khlong Tan station to take the English teacher into custody.


The mom allegedly found out about the crime when her daughter fUS TikTok star and teacher Luke Rockwell has been arrested in Thailand for allegedly having sex with a minor — and recording it, according to local police.


Rockwell, 29, who has 1.3 million followers on TikTok, was booked Sunday in the Wattana District after a mom accused the Florida man of having sex with her 16-year-old daughter while he was teaching kids English in Bangkok, the Bangkok Post reports.


The mother, who was not publicly identified, told police Rockwell and her daughter had been messaging each other before the relationship turned physical. The pair had known each other for about five months.


The influencer also allegedly filmed their sexual encounters, according to the complaint obtained by the Bangkok Post.


After finding out about Rockwell and her child’s alleged relationship, the mother contacted the Department of Welfare For Children and Women, who joined officers from the Khlong Tan station to take the English teacher into custody.


The mom allegedly found out about the crime when her daughter fell ill with abdominal pains caused by chlamydia and gonorrhea that she contracted through Rockwell, the Daily Mail reportedell ill with abdominal pains caused by chlamydia and gonorrhea that she contracted through Rockwell, the Daily Mail reported


“My daughter said the first time they had sex, Teacher Luke used protection but after he did not use any. She trusted him,” the mother told the Mail.


“Teacher Luke told her to keep everything a secret until she turned 18. He told my daughter that he loved her and would let her come live with him when she’s no longer a minor,” she added.


Police have not commented or confirmed the allegations that Rockwell gave the minor STDs. Officials said an investigation into Rockwell is still ongoing.

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19489593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9597 >>9619 >>9714 >>9745 >>9792 >>9835 >>9874

Bohemian Grove Participant Kevin McCarthy Accused of Wearing Bohemian Club Logo in Hawaii


What Does The Owl Represent?


Globalist Republican U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has been accused of appearing in public in Hawaii wearing the owl logo of the Bohemian Club, the elitist group that runs the globalist occult hangout Bohemian Grove.

This comes just weeks after McCarthy attended Bohemian Grove, the site of disturbing allegations of ritual child sex abuse and documented evidence of occult ceremonies.


The American people are still asking questions about what really happened In Hawaii during destructive wildfires that have left numerous children missing.


Take a look at the logo on McCarthy’s shirt, spotted by our tipster, and then take a look at the creepy logo of the Bohemian Club.

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:43 a.m. No.19489617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9649 >>9745 >>9792 >>9835 >>9874

Report: Spying Fears After Chinese Nationals Caught Entering U.S. Sites 100+ Times


Federal investigators believe spying networks are behind the 100-plus attempted entries by Chinese nationals into sensitive U.S. sites in recent years, a report Sunday set out.


The cases are reportedly many and varied, including people crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico — and scuba divers swimming near a rocket launch site and Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the Wall Street Journal said quoting officials familiar with the allegations.


Drones to take detailed aerial footage of sensitive military sites have been seen— while the Pentagon confirmed cases of people “speeding through security checkpoints.”


The report comes after Chinese balloons were seen crossing U.S. territory earlier this year to the embarrassment of the Biden administration.


“I Think They’re Compromised” — Rep. Tim Burchett on Biden Admin’s China Balloon Debacle


A common response by those stopped by officials is a claim to be confused and they often use what appears to be scripted language when confronted by security, the report said.


For example, individuals and groups often claim to be looking for hotels or a Burger King when challenged.


The Defense Department and FBI are among multiple federal agencies which shared a review last year on how to limit the attempts, which officials told the WSJ are viewed as a form of espionage.


Congress might also consider legislation, Rep. Jason Crow (D- Colo.) told the paper, to toughen up how security is handled at the sensitive sites, with trespassing laws currently being state and local, not federal.


“We need to work closely with our state and local partners to train them and equip them,” Crow said. “Right now, they don’t know how to deal with it.”


The incidents that occurred in rural areas where there is little tourism typically involved Chinese nationals who were pressed into service and required to report back to the Chinese government, the report added.

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:50 a.m. No.19489648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9699

US to Arm Ukraine With Toxic Depleted Uranium Ammunition


The munitions will be used with US-made Abrams tanks


The US is set to arm Ukraine with controversial depleted uranium (DU) ammunition as part of an upcoming arms package for use with US-made Abrams tanks, Reuters reported on Friday.


DU is a heavy metal that’s a byproduct of enriched uranium and is extremely dense, making it a good material for armor-piercing rounds. But DU ammunition is toxic and is linked to cancer and birth defects in places it has been used, including Iraq, where the US used an enormous amount of DU in the Gulf War and the 2003 invasion.


The UK has already provided Ukraine with DU ammunition for use with British-made Challenger 2 tanks, but the US has yet to take the step. Earlier this year, when Russian President Vladimir Putin announced he was deploying nuclear weapons to Belarus, he said it was a response to the UK arming Ukraine with DU.


According to Reuters, the arms package for Ukraine that will include DU ammunition is expected to be announced this week. The first Abrams tanks are due to arrive in Ukraine in the coming weeks.


The Wall Street Journal reported in June that the Biden administration was expected to arm Ukraine with DU. The report said some officials were concerned the move would open up the US to criticism for providing weapons that could cause health and environmental damage.


But at this point in the war, the administration has shown it’s not concerned about damaging Ukraine’s environment. In July, the US started arming Ukraine with cluster bombs, which spread small submunitions over large areas. Unexploded submunitions, or bomblets, can be found by civilians years or decades after use. Because of their history of killing civilians, cluster munitions have been banned by over 100 countries.

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 11:54 a.m. No.19489665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Illinois governor OK’s measure allowing civil action against gun dealers and manufacturers for improper marketing campaigns


Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Saturday approved a measure that would allow firearm retailers or manufacturers to be sued for marketing guns to people under 18 and promoting other improper marketing ploys geared toward the sale of weapons.


The bill was signed a day after Pritzker and his Democratic allies in the Illinois General Assembly scored a close victory when the state Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, voted to uphold the state’s ban on certain high-powered guns and high-capacity ammunition magazines.


Pritzker and other elected officials discussed the gun marketing liability law in Chicago at McCormick Place during a conference for the national gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety. Vice President Kamala Harris spoke at the event on Friday.


“You know, we hold opioid manufacturers accountable. We hold vaping companies accountable. We hold predatory lenders accountable. Gun manufacturers shouldn’t get to hide from the law and now they won’t be able to,” Pritzker said at the conference on Saturday.


Dubbed the Firearms Industry Responsibility Act, the new law allows firearms businesses to not only be sued if they advertise to people under 18, but also if the businesses fail to take steps to prevent illegal sales, such as straw purchasing, sell guns to someone who is not allowed to own one or sell them to someone who the businesses believe could be a danger to themselves or someone else.


The law also allows civil action against the firearms businesses if they’re found to have marketed guns for unlawful paramilitary or private militia-related activities.


In the legislature, the measure passed 71-40 in the House and 34-22 in the Senate.

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 12:04 p.m. No.19489730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

6 Israelis arrested on suspicion of gang-raping British woman in Cyprus


20-year-old says she was assaulted in her hotel room; Foreign Ministry says it is in contact with relatives of detained men; Cypriot reports say suspects ordered held for 8 days


Six Israelis have been arrested in Cyprus on suspicion of gang-raping a British woman, it was announced Monday.


The 20-year-old woman told Cypriot authorities on Sunday that she was sexually assaulted by the men in her hotel in the Ayia Napa region, the Daily Mail reported.


The newspaper said that as a result of the woman’s description of the suspects, three Israelis aged 19 and two aged 20 were arrested. A sixth was also held, according to the Foreign Ministry.


The Cypriot Philenews website said the Famagusta District Court ordered the suspects to be detained for eight days.


The Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the Israeli embassy in Cyprus had been informed of the arrest of the nationals on suspicion of rape, and was in contact with Cypriot authorities.


In addition, the Foreign Ministry said it was in contact with the families of the detained suspects.

The suspects are being represented by Nir Yaslovitz, the defense attorney in an apparently similar case in 2019.


“According to the police in Cyprus, there is a serious suspicion, but unfortunately we have experience with such cases. I hope that the truth will come out,” he told Channel 12 news.

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.19489750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9760 >>9835 >>9874

'Horrified' hospital employee leaks DEI training pushing 3-year-olds identifying as transgender


'Many transgender people have ALWAYS known their true gender,' the DEI training from Kaiser Permanente said


A "horrified" hospital employee at Kaiser Permanente leaked a sex change training for diversity, equity and inclusion, which promoted the idea that a 3-year-old can be transgender.


"The employee, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of losing her job, was horrified," according to the Wednesday report from Libs of TikTok.


As part of the hospital system's DEI training, medical employees were expected to watch a video with children explaining they knew they were transgender at age 3 and 4.


"Many transgender people have ALWAYS known their true gender," the video said.


"My name is Rose. I'm a transgender girl. I was born a boy, but I always knew that I was a girl," a child said.


Rose's dad then explained the child would write notes to Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy asking to be turned into a girl.


An adult trans-identified man said, "When I was 3, I decided that I was going to be a father and marry Janet Jackson."


A mom proceeded to explain how her trans child, Elie, was "a girl in her heart and brain" by age 4.


Another individual said they were "non-binary," meaning they were never a man or a woman.


Kaiser Permanente released a statement to Fox News Digital clarifying that the training did not endorse the use of medical interventions among children in the age group.


"While the video includes two children speaking about how they view their gender identity, the video does not speak to any adolescent transgender care or treatment plans. Kaiser Permanente does not provide hormone treatments or gender-affirming surgery to 3 and 4-year-olds," the statement said.


Medical professionals have been promoting what some may consider fringe ideas about gender ideology.


For example, Diane Ehrensaft, a director of a gender clinic at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, claimed kids can identify as trans "Tootsie Roll Pops," "Gender Smoothies" and "Gender Minotaurs."

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19489767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9772 >>9787 >>9820 >>9835 >>9874

Viral RFK Jr. Video Gets Deleted By “X”: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See


The Pfizer clinical trials were a disaster. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains why.


“Freedom of speech, not reach,” is taking effect more than ever as Twitter (“X”) regresses to its 1.0 days. Ever since Elon Musk hired CEO Linda Yaccarino, who has close ties to the World Economic Forum, things have taken a turn for the worse.


In short, “lawful but awful” accounts and external links (especially Substack) are getting brutally deboosted. And permanent suspensions, which were promised to be reserved for unlawful speech only, have made a big comeback.


Now, Twitter (“X”) is taking further action by making undesirable videos unplayable.

What type of videos in particular? Well, mine…

Anonymous ID: a2e5ce Sept. 4, 2023, 12:17 p.m. No.19489797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9815 >>9835 >>9874

Rothman to advance bill greatly limiting immigration into Israel


The bill seeks to make this one overpower all other laws save basic laws that are specifically legislated to overpower it.


Religious Zionist Party MK Simcha Rothman will advance a new bill for a basic law that seeks to greatly limit immigration into Israel, he announced on Sunday after a riot by Eritrean asylum seekers ended with at least 160 injuries the previous day.


The bill, dubbed Basic Law: Entry, immigration, and status in Israel, proposes to put in place a set of guidelines for foreigners being granted entry or gaining status in Israel when they are not eligible for aliyah according to the Law of Return.


In the case of contradiction between the bill's rules and other laws or basic laws, the bill seeks to make this one overpower all other laws save basic laws that are specifically legislated to overpower it.


Religious Zionist Party MK Simcha Rothman will advance a new bill for a basic law that seeks to greatly limit immigration into Israel, he announced on Sunday after a riot by Eritrean asylum seekers ended with at least 160 injuries the previous day.


The bill, dubbed Basic Law: Entry, immigration, and status in Israel, proposes to put in place a set of guidelines for foreigners being granted entry or gaining status in Israel when they are not eligible for aliyah according to the Law of Return.


In the case of contradiction between the bill's rules and other laws or basic laws, the bill seeks to make this one overpower all other laws save basic laws that are specifically legislated to overpower it.


Furthermore, no person who isn't a citizen or resident of Israel would be able to petition an Israeli court to rule on their status unless a citizen or resident petitioned the court on their behalf. This wouldn't apply to people eligible for aliyah.


The bill was submitted for the first time in 2021 during the Naftali Bennett-Yair Lapid government. It was advanced then by Rothman, Bezalel Smotrich (also RZP), Amir Ohana (Likud), Yinon Azoulay (Shas), Yitzhak Pindrus (United Torah Judaism), and Amihai Chikli (then-Yamina). The bill was endorsed by then-opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu but was ultimately removed from the agenda, meaning it had to wait six months or be adjusted before being proposed again.