Do advanced extraterrestrial civilizations need secret societies?
We know only good vs evil, love vs hate, right vs wrong.
That's what unites us, and that's what holds the Galaxy together in a Federation of Light.
Let's read this again and apply logic and Occam's razor.
Don't let a single misunderstood post question Q's allegiance. Where did he mention secret societies here? If the powerful group was POSITIVE, it would be open to THE PEOPLE, and cooperate with the brightest of them. It would not plot schemes in the darkness.
Most of what we anons see of powerful groups is evil. This creates a bias. Only recently have we seen Positive Military with Q-Team go public.
Trust The Plan. It goes a long way.
Earth-based. Negative aliens don't count, that's why I said "advanced".
Fair point. It's like anons practicing OPSEC.
Sensitive topic. Let's not get auto-shilled here, kek
Also, quite a gap, almost 2.5 years since his last tweet.
You mean tweets were deleted? Please sauce it if you can.
You'd be suprised because the universe originates from consciounsness, not vice versa.
If we are looking at the correct twitter at all.