Anonymous ID: 03f9f5 Sept. 4, 2023, 3:41 p.m. No.19490837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0914 >>1151 >>1300 >>1407

PublicSQ | How Conservative Entrepreneur Have Created The Parallel Economy. Important announcement for anons that have a small business to multiply your contacts. No cost to join but exposure to MAGA patriots




Notice: I think the anon that produced the videos and posted here

On Trump and MAGA should absolutely join the public square. Most amazing creative videos I have seen. Anon that produced these videos, charge $0.75 cents per download. That will give you money to produce more faster. Take the advice of the industry of what price.But truly, I believe you are extremely gifted!


Waiting for you to drop some more!

Anonymous ID: 03f9f5 Sept. 4, 2023, 4:33 p.m. No.19491199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1369

Baker and Bakers,


Every six months to a year, old anons and autists have to remind the board that when posting a significant and meaningful headline and link, the significant gist of the article with a couple of paragraphs, should be posted. The only way to understand it is read the full article, but that can’t be done all the time.


I’ve seen for the last year to 16 months that the title and link is significant explanation without the context of the article! And it’s notabled!


It is not


Now there is another method for notables, that anons do not read the article but only post the catchy title, one paragraph plus link, gives you everything you need to know. How can one determine it’s important from what is written in the first paragraph? Usually in writing the secret is further down.


It happened with the Victor Davis Hanson notabled article on American Greatness today.


FYI VDH is Famous War Historian, with many other acclimations to his name. Never in his life is one paragraph explaining the reason for the article.In the 20-30 paragraph article was a synopsis of the warfare of the Left & Obama on America. It literally could be a 15 chapter book or many more to the complexity of how they are destroying America. But if anons think they have context, they do not.


Title’s in articles are “catch your attention” mostly about corruption and destruction, so you will read it. Very few article titles try to de escalate Triggering mechanisms.


That being said, anons should read the fucking article and post some bits and pieces to confirm the title and to educate.


IMO Everyone here should have read Hansons entire article because he literally outlines the left and Obama’s tactics & agenda from the beginning into the future.! Anons have gotten so lazy, they don’t want to know what a Renowned War Historian know!


Hanson basically gave us the road map and strategy on the Left’s war to destroy America. So we can know the multiple map to figure out what is coming next. And very few anons were interested because of the title and one paragraph that seemingly answered the catchy title. It did not!


Once again anons: post title, a couple of paragraphs that show the subject in a meaningful way, and the link. Anons were cheated out of knowledge we could use coming from a Prolific War Historian.


And bakers please stop making notable a title and link.


I read and posted the whole article (yes its wordy) and it didn’t get read, because no one read a couple of paragraphs or the body of it, to understand he gave us a war map and strategy

Anonymous ID: 03f9f5 Sept. 4, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.19491373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1386 >>1392

4 Sep, 2023 22:04

Biden extols benefits of elderly presidency

The gaffe-prone president has claimed that his advanced age grants him “wisdom”


US President Joe Biden has boasted that being an octogenarian has granted him “a little bit of wisdom,” and that he intends to stay in politics. However, polls show that more and more voters have their doubts about Biden’s mental and physical fitness.


Speaking at a Labor Day event in Philadelphia on Monday, Biden remarked offhand that some people say “you know, that Biden, he’s getting old, man.”


“Well, guess what?” he continued. “I can – the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom. I’ve been doing this longer than anybody, and I, guess what? I’m going to continue to do it with your help.”


Less than a week earlier, Biden became visibly confused during a visit to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) headquarters in Washington DC, asking an aide “where am I going now?” as he walked away from a lectern.


Biden’s age and apparent cognitive decline have been repeatedly highlighted by Republicans and Democrats alike. According to a Wall Street Journal poll published on Monday, 60% of registered voters do not believe the 80-year-old leader is mentally up to the job of president, and 73% believe he is too old for the position.


Polls conducted since Biden took office have found similar results, and Biden’s presumptive opponent, former President Donald Trump, has claimed that the incumbent leader may not make it to next year’s election.


“I think he’s worse mentally than he is physically, and physically he’s not exactly a triathlete or any kind of an athlete,” Trump told conservative pundit Tucker Carlson last month. “You look at him, he can’t walk to the helicopter. He walks – he can't lift his feet out of the grass. You know it’s only two inches at the White House, right? That’s not a lot, but you watch him and it looks like he’s walking on toothpicks,” Trump continued.


Despite his relative acuity compared to Biden, Trump’s age is also a concern for some voters. The former president will be 78 by the time Americans head to the polls next November, and an NBC News survey in June found that 55% of voters have concerns about his physical and mental health.


Some 68% of voters said the same about Biden, up from 51% before the 2020 election. Notably, 43% of Democrats said that they had moderate to major concerns about Biden’s health, up from 21% in 2020.


(The sad thing is people will believe it, and they do not understand that “wisdom” is life experience that make you wise. Dementia is an aging disease the robs the brain and intellect! If they ever had it!)

Anonymous ID: 03f9f5 Sept. 4, 2023, 5:09 p.m. No.19491421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Short Clips

Oh Canadia!!! jeanne Pierre best moments, along with Bidan