Anonymous ID: 98c3ae Sept. 4, 2023, 8:02 p.m. No.19492304   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Chicago Teachers' Union President, Hater Of Private Schools And School Choice, Reportedly Sends Child To Private School


Stacy Davis-Gates is undoubtedly Illinois’ most prominent and rabid opponent of school choice — and pretty much everybody and everything associated with it, all of which she labels racist or worse. As president of the Chicago Teachers Union, she is at the forefront of its campaign to kill Illinois’ meager Invest in Kids Act, which currently gives about 9,000 disadvantaged kids scholarships to attend private schools. “It must be ‘game over'” for the program, the CTU says.


But, as initially reported** by SubX News, she sends one of her kids to to Chicago’s De La Salle Institute, a private, Catholic high school.


De La Salle, where Davis-Gates sends one of her three kids, has long been a diamond in the rough of Southside high schools. But with tuition at $14,750 per year, it’s open only to those with some means, like Davis-Gates, and the few who are fortunate enough to get financial help.


School choice is about getting that help to more of the poor –- creating equality of choice with those who have means. The Invest in Kids Act does that, though for too few students thanks to its paltry funding. Davis-Gates’ opposition to it and her statements about private schools, all while constantly claiming status as the poor’s heroine, are hypocrisy at its most revolting.

Anonymous ID: 98c3ae Sept. 4, 2023, 8:19 p.m. No.19492377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2389




According to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal, a large majority of Americans,73%, don’t think he’s “mentally up for the job”of being president. Joe Biden was already the oldest president to take office at the age of 77, and he’d be 86 at the end of a hypothetical second term, assuming he actually wins and serves the entire time. This assessment of Biden was bipartisan, as two-thirds of Democrats agreed that Biden is too old to be president….


As bad as these numbers are for Joe Biden, they may not be the worst numbers for him in the poll. A mere40% of voters have deluded themselves into thinking that Biden has a strong record of accomplishments as president, compared to 51% who say that Trump has a strong record.


Worse yet for Biden is the fact that a solid majority of voters,58%, say that the economy has gotten worse on his watch. Just 28% claimed to think that it has gotten better. Despite this,nearly 75% of voters believe that inflation is heading in the wrong direction….

Anonymous ID: 98c3ae Sept. 4, 2023, 9:52 p.m. No.19492750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2758




🤬Woolies and Coles are installing facial recognition cameras at self serve check outs.


This isn't about people stealing it's the governments plan to implement the credit score.


so - now we know the origins of allowing thiefs to steal from stores: so that people will WELCOME facial recognition as a law enforcement measure.


Anonymous ID: 98c3ae Sept. 4, 2023, 9:57 p.m. No.19492771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2818 >>2867


resignationanon rec'd his name from listing - every single day - the names of high level people resigning. Because Q asked for us to track that. he did it for YEARS, until his lists stopped getting picked up after oss fucked the board up and there were serial ebakes.

Everyone knows the other thing he did: set up 25 million records.


SERVICE is what matters, nothing else.

muh 2cents.

Anonymous ID: 98c3ae Sept. 4, 2023, 10:38 p.m. No.19492873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2876 >>2879


Once the database got extremely large, became somewhat less stable. But still use it a dozen times a day for digs. RA is still on Telegram, as well. I remember when he used to TY show on resignations, long time ago.

Anonymous ID: 98c3ae Sept. 4, 2023, 10:52 p.m. No.19492911   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Here Dr Giordano talks about how he and his colleagues at the medical branches of NATO have been conjuring up some nano-particulate smart dust that can cause STROKE EPIDEMICS, in what he calls a "scatter arrangement", meaning that they can just douse an area with it and cause a bunch of people to have a stroke.


He describes: "So what we're able to do here is infiltrate the brain space with nano-particulate matter that aggregates in situ (on-site) in the brain and there's one of two things. Either penetrates from the vascular space, gets into the bloodstream, gets in through the nose, through the mucosa, or infiltrates the vascular space and clogs it. What is the result? It's what's called a nano-particulate stroke or a hemorrhagic diathesis (fancy word, it's a predisposition to people having brain bleeds)."


He then explains how an Italian research and tech group has done a ton of work demonstrating how effective it is in animal models, and how you may not incur a stroke, but you will eventually begin to disrupt the processes and properties of the brain, and as a result "engage something as more of a long-wars effects where you now begin to influence the population in increasingly concentric circles of expansion".


He's describing mind control, behavioral modification, and depopulation. Just so we're all clear…



is the only presidential candidate that has touched on these issues of bioweapons and what these insane scientists are conjuring up in laboratories.


This is also why Fauci was the darling of the NIH and military for so many years, being the highest paid government official. He was helping run all these programs and was paid accordingly.


Guess what else? The Wuhan Institute of Virology was studying and developing these same nano-technologies.


Now think…


time to turn these mad doctors around