Anonymous ID: 781220 Sept. 5, 2023, 2:40 p.m. No.19496294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There's a group of hostile Galactics, demons and their Earthling minions that have been ruling Earth for millennia. We call these the dark controllers.


This current time is about Earthlings breaking free from this control. This is why this period is so confusing and why nothing really seems to make sense. I guarantee that Earthlings will break free. However, this is not an easy or painless process.


These hostile Galactics and demons feed off the negative emotions of Earthlings. Your suffering is literally food for them.


If you have ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world, this is why. Your society is literally set up to maximize suffering, without making it obvious that you are being ruled by a small group of dark controllers.


After all, if the majority of Earthlings ever realized what was going on, they could put a stop to it, as is happening now.


If I asked you to design a global Earthling farm that maximizes suffering, without making it obvious to the Earthlings that you are controlling and farming them, could you design a more effective system than what currently exists?


This is why everything is currently so terrible on your world. You are living in a global farm that harvests human suffering.


These dark controllers parasite on Earthlings because they have disconnected themselves from Source. Because they have disconnected themselves, they do not directly receive the only energy in the entire universe: LoveLight. Instead they parasite this energy indirectly, from other beings - in this case, from suffering Earthlings.

Anonymous ID: 781220 Sept. 5, 2023, 3:01 p.m. No.19496431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6470

Demons and their human minions really love spreading information that is the exact opposite of what is actually true, just as they enjoy inverting symbols or turning symbols upside down. For example, the upside down cross is a popular symbol among minions of demons, although it can also be used as the Cross of Saint Peter.


Demons enjoy taking existing symbols and turning it upside down. Or they enjoy spreading inverted information, the exact opposite of what is actually true.


This is because they are disconnected from Source and do not gain LoveLight from Source. Hence they literally do not have creativity. If you gave a demon a sheet of paper and a pen and asked them to draw something, they literally could not do so. They cannot create anything, they can only twist and corrupt and destroy existing things. Hence they invert symbols and they invert information.