Anonymous ID: f1b308 Sept. 6, 2023, 4:15 a.m. No.19499453   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Freedom Force Battalion


Aug 28

The buses unloading in Staten Island were just young fighting men…

No children and no women…

This is not immigration


Fighting for Humanity🔔1/11




Coming soon to America. Men of fighting age pouring across the border!






Notice the fighting age men, where are the women and children!





While hotels across the country are filled with fighting age African and middle Eastern men at the taxpayers expense, this is the reality for many natives.

Anonymous ID: f1b308 Sept. 6, 2023, 4:21 a.m. No.19499470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9472 >>9475 >>9482 >>9902

Fox News



Harris says she's ready to step into role of president if Biden is unwell: 'May have to take over'



Anonymous ID: f1b308 Sept. 6, 2023, 4:34 a.m. No.19499491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9705 >>9746 >>9862 >>9973 >>0083 >>0194 >>0296

2 hours ago - Politics & Policy

Scoop: House Republicans warn of McCarthy leadership challenge


House GOP lawmakers are signaling potential moves against Speaker Kevin McCarthy during leadership's frantic September push.


Why it matters: McCarthy is going to have to dodge multiple landmines to retain his gavel, with Congress having until Sept. 30 to pass legislation to avoid a government shutdown.


Pressure is rising against McCarthy himself, with renewed suggestions that a motion may be called for a floor vote on his speakership.


Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) told Axios: "I think it's [motion to vacate] in the back of everybody's mind … If somebody brings that it wouldn't take much, you know, it just takes a couple of votes."

A single member can call a motion to vacate, and only a few Republicans would have to vote with Democrats to remove McCarthy with a majority vote.

Some House Republicans are using these threats as leverage to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Biden.


"When we get back to Washington in the coming weeks, we have got to seize the initiative. That means forcing votes on impeachment. And if Kevin McCarthy stands in our way, you may not have the job long," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fl.) said during an appearance on The Todd Starnes Show.

Between the lines: Multiple GOP sources told Axios that not all conservatives are on the same page on a spending plan, with some supportive of a stopgap funding bill — called a continuing resolution (CR) — if certain concessions are met, including funding for border security.


"I'm not seeing a coherent strategy," a senior GOP lawmaker told Axios.

"I've been picking up chatter that they want to do a motion to vacate if we do a CR, but a lot of people want a CR to get more time and to attach HR 2."

HR2 is the sweeping border security legislation House Republicans passed earlier this year.

The big picture: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has cautioned that the cuts proposed by House conservatives are unlikely to make it through the upper chamber.


"The Speaker and the president reached an agreement which I supported in connection with raising the debt ceiling to set spending levels for next year," he said last week.

"The House then turned around and passed spending levels that were below that level. Without stating an opinion about that, that's not going to be replicated in the Senate."

Health issues faced by lawmakers and their relatives have also begun to spark concerns among members that personal crises could hinder their ability to pass legislation.


"We've got a four seat majority and we've got some other people that have family health problems, some that have their own health problems," one member noted on the difficulties of getting bills passed.

Anonymous ID: f1b308 Sept. 6, 2023, 4:42 a.m. No.19499502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9746 >>9862 >>9973 >>0083 >>0194 >>0296

McCarthy’s Time as Speaker May Be Coming to an End: Report


Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is facing stiff opposition to the latest spending bill and might have to risk his speakership by compromising with Democrats to get it passed, according to reports.


The California Republican had a rocky road to confirmation as speaker when he suffered 14 failed votes before finally winning a majority of his caucus to take the speaker’s gavel in January.


McCarthy also has faced many calls to step down during his short time heading the lower chamber of Congress.


But the fight over the coming vote on the budget bill is shaping up as a particularly perilous time for the speaker, according to CNN.


One issue that has put McCarthy’s position in jeopardy was the “move to vacate” provision he accepted to become the speaker. That rule allows a single Republican to bring a move to remove him from the speaker’s chair, making him far less safe in the role than any previous occupant of the seat.


Now, the conservatives in the House GOP caucus are saying the provision is very much on the table if McCarthy compromises too much with Democrats on the budget, according to CNN’s Manu Raju and Melanie Zanona.


Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho told the outlet that if McCarthy gives the Democrats and President Joe Biden too much in budget negotiations, the conservatives will bring the vacate motion to the floor.


“The challenge for McCarthy, and I’ll be real honest with you, is that if he works with the Democrats, obviously, the Democrats are not going to do it for free,” Simpson said. “They want something. So, it’s going to be a compromise — one of those really bad words in Washington for some reason. Then you’re going to find a resolution introduced on the floor to vacate the chair.”

Anonymous ID: f1b308 Sept. 6, 2023, 5:17 a.m. No.19499649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Eye of the Storm Ep 52 - Tue 10:30 PM ET -


Dedication to @AKA_RealDirty

Josh Cremean


Anonymous ID: f1b308 Sept. 6, 2023, 5:30 a.m. No.19499710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9762 >>9821 >>9823 >>9842 >>9879 >>9930 >>9975 >>0082


Laura Loomer: Russia Russia Russia, sit down and shut the fuck up Laura, we know what you are, one of [them]


Freedom Force Battalion


Aug 28

The buses unloading in Staten Island were just young fighting men…

No children and no women…

This is not immigration


Fighting for Humanity🔔1/11




Coming soon to America. Men of fighting age pouring across the border!=





Notice the fighting age men, where are the women and children!




While hotels across the country are filled with fighting age African and middle Eastern men at the taxpayers expense, this is the reality for many natives.