Anonymous ID: 22fc90 Sept. 6, 2023, 9:44 a.m. No.19500676   🗄️.is 🔗kun








>SNO+ is a multipurpose scintillator based neutrino experiment which is located 2km underground at SNOLAB, Creighton mine, Sudbury.

The primary physics goal of the experiment is the search for the elusive process of neutrino-less double beta decay with 130Te loaded into the liquid scintillator cocktail. In addition, SNO+ will be able to detect low energy solar neutrinos, geo- and reactor-antineutrinos, as well as supernova neutrinos. SNO+ has completed its water phase in 2019. During the water phase SNO+ made measurements of 8B neutrinos, and improved the limits on the lifetime of nucleon decay. Aside from the physics goals, the optical and energy calibration of the detector was accomplished in water phase. SNO+ has finished filling the detector in May 2022, and preparing for the 130Te phase.


>The __DarkSide__collaboration is an international affiliation of universities and labs seeking to directly detect dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). The collaboration is planning, building and operating a series of liquid argon time projection chambers (TPCs) that are employed at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Assergi, Italy. The detectors are filled with liquid argon from underground sources[1] in order to exclude the radioactive isotope 39

Ar, which makes up one in every 1015 (quadrillion) atoms in atmospheric argon.[2] The Darkside-10 (DS-10) prototype was tested in 2012, and the Darkside-50 (DS-50) experiment has been operating since 2013. Darkside-20k (DS-20k) with 20 tonnes of liquid argon is being planned as of 2019





Anonymous ID: 22fc90 Sept. 6, 2023, 10:15 a.m. No.19500809   🗄️.is 🔗kun
















People have called me crazy.

They call me delusional.


Involuntarily celibate.

A faggot.

A conspiracy theorist.

A 'woman.' kek


Disconnected from reality.

Acting out from a drug induced psychosis. Lay off the [speed], ~~kid~~ anon!

They've lied about me.

Accused me of things I've never done. "He's been up for 5 days straight!"

Got me trapped in a psychiatric ward in a hospital for almost 3 weeks, right through CHRISTMAS! Imagine eating hospital food on Christmas night with a room full of strangers and you're the only white guy and you've been admitted wearing your 8kun t-shirt… I shit you not. It's the "JOIN or 404" one., on incorrectly prescribed anti-psychotics, having major contradicting interactions with previously prescribed opioid maintenance medications; possibly causing irreversible cardiac damage, waking up at 4AM every night, in withdrawal, and can't even lay still from the unavoidable restless leg syndrome and dysphoric hyperactivity, and having the most vivid and interactively lucid dreams that all seem to attack you onthe most emotionally disturbing subjects related to your life…


''Look frens, fellow anons, lurkers and normies alike… even though the reluctant and at times, impossible, family members won't let us live our lives peacefully at any extent, just know that they are going through what we VOLUNTARILY went through-YEARS AGO! Unlike us, they are almost being forced to see the veil being lifted from over their eyes, and face the uncomfortable, unbearable, and in some cases, should be known to the minimum aspects-due to the mental damage it will cause if [FOCUS] is applied to it. Even though it is extremely difficult, especially at the seemingly worst times, to let their forms of abuse roll off your back; just do it. They too, believe it or not, are suffering. You must remind yourselves of this, because this is how they are coping with the pain. ''



Anonymous ID: 22fc90 Sept. 6, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.19501113   🗄️.is 🔗kun















o7's up in HOUSE!

God, please look over and protect the officers in the NYPD, (and other precincts around the country, I'm just partial to NYC…kek) and guide them through these trusting times. We haven't been more connected than we have been, like these past several years! I always have these special people in the back of my mind, whether I like them being there or not, and I feel more secure and safe knowing they too, care about [our] home/city/neighborhood just as much as we anons do… in fact o7's are anon by default, so, they already were here on their own, proudly serving their community & civil duty, simultaneously! No matter how paranoid or sketchy I feel having some study meds, or blasting videos of hot naked femAnons at [4AM], or just taking a midnight stroll down [JCRIMI] a local bike path; I feel so cuddly & hugged, in a comvfefe, older sibling style; knowing that they're probably watching me like hawks, telepathically federated and with all [eyes on]…and it wouldn't be better any other way.


Where we go one, we go all!

"We should be on the same team, if ain't then we're NOTHING!" - Out of Style - Limp Bizkit


Love you, and thank you for your service, o7s!

