Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:25 p.m. No.19501422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1432 >>1440 >>1446 >>1450 >>1453 >>1456 >>1458 >>1460 >>1463 >>1484 >>1503 >>1743 >>1746


The Great Awakening continues.


Cernovich has Catholic and Jewish in his family by religion.

He is into Orthodox Christianity today as an agnostic previously.

Today he is tweeting about the religion Epstein and Gates and other elites adhere to.

The book reccommended is written by a Messianic Jew,

Jonathan Cahn, who believes that Jesus IS Messiah.

Messianic Jews beleive The Bible and the New Testament along with the Old Testament/

Which is the way as the entire bible is the right way.

All of this is a really good thing to see occuring.

Jonathan Cahn has really good teachings you can find on video on Youtube.




You might not believe in this stuff, but the regime does. We all need to reacquaint ourselves with the religious beliefs held by Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, and so many others.

Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.19501432   🗄️.is 🔗kun





From the author that brought you 6 New York Times best-selling books including The Harbinger, The Book of Mysteries, The Oracle and The Harbinger II


Is it possible that behind what is taking place in America and the world lies a mystery that goes back to the gods of the ancient world…and that they now have returned?


-The Return of the Gods is the most explosive book Jonathan Cahn has ever written. It is so explosive and so revealing that no description here could do it justice. Jonathan Cahn is known for revealing the stunning mysteries, many from ancient times, that lie behind and are playing out in the events of our times. But with The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes this to an entirely new level and dimension.


The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America.

The mystery involves the gods. Who are they? What are they? And is it possible that these beings, whose origins are from ancient times, are the unseen catalysts of modern culture?


Is it possible that these gods lie behind the most pivotal events, forces, and movements taking place in our nation and around the world at this very moment? Are the gods at this very moment transforming our culture, our children, our lives, and America itself?


Could this mystery have even determined the exact days on which Supreme Court decisions had to be handed down?


What is the Dark Trinity?


Is it possible that what we in the modern world take as nothing more than ancient mythology could actually possess a reality beyond our fathoming?


Who is the Possessor? The Enchanter? The Destroyer? And the Sorceress?


Could a sign that has appeared all over America and the world be linked to the gods of Mesopotamia? And if so, what does it actually mean?


Could the gods have returned to New York City and an ancient mythology played out on the streets in real time?


Is it possible that the gods lie behind everything from what appears on our computer monitors, our televisions and movie screens; to the lessons given in our classrooms; to the breakdown of the family; to wokism; to the occult; to our addictions; to the Supreme Court; to cancel culture; to children’s cartoons; to every force and factor that has transformed the parameters of gender; to that which appears in our stores, on our T-shirts, and on our coffee mugs—to that which is, at this very moment, transforming America and much of the world? Is it possible that behind all these things are ancient mysteries that go back to the Middle East and ancient Mesopotamia? This and so much more, most of which we can’t even reveal in this description, will be uncovered.


Is it possible that the gods are even affecting your life right now? How can you recognize it? And what can you do about it?


The Return of the Gods is not only one of the most explosive books you’ll ever read but also one of the most profound. It will reveal the most stunning secrets and truths behind what is happening before your eyes in America and the nations. You will see things, even in your world, in a whole new light. With such chapters as “The House of Spirits,” “The Avatar,” “The Masters,” “The Deep Magic,” and “The Day of the Goddess,” The Return of the Gods will take readers on a fascinating, unforgettable, and mind-blowing journey that will leave them stunned and with the ability to see the world as they never have before.


Be prepared to be blown away as you open up Jonathan Cahn’s most explosive book ever, The Return of the Gods!

Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:28 p.m. No.19501440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1446 >>1450


Top reviews from the United States

Doug H

4.0 out of 5 stars Worth Reading

Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2023

Verified Purchase

In his book, The Return of the Gods, author Jonathan Cahn acknowledges the reality of the existence of unseen supernatural dark powers that in the past have been worshipped as gods. The three god’s Cahn focuses on might sound familiar if you have read the Old Testament of the Bible: Baal, Molech, and Ishtar.


Cahn’s thesis is that once Jesus came and accomplished His initial work on this earth the first time He was here, that these gods and those like them, were forced to retreat and go into hiding. Then, as our world has come to reject the God of the Christians over the past few decades, it left open the door for these unholy powers of darkness to come back in and take control of the culture. Cahn attempts to illustrate how this has proven to be true in regard to our modern culture: how the same gods of the ancient world are now manifesting themselves again in our world today.


Cahn bases much of his theory on a parable Jesus once used regarding demonic spirits found in Matthew 12:43-45:


"When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation."


Cahn understands this scripture passage to be documentation of some of the mechanics of how the spirit world works: That if a dark power is cast out of someone or something, and having nothing taken the dark power’s place, that which it was cast out of is left empty. That then leaves the vacated space, be it a person, place, or thing, open for the dark spirit to return. However, when it returns it will bring others with it, making it more difficult, if not next to impossible in the future for those dark spirits to be cast out of what they have established themselves in. Although I am not sure Jesus was relaying a historically factual account of what occurred to an actual demon possessed man or woman, I do know Jesus never based His illustrative stories on fantasies. Rather, he based His instructional stories on things people commonly believed to be true. Things that were consistent with reality. In this way I agree with Cahn that although it may not have been the primary purpose of why Jesus relayed this story, it did document a principle of how the forces of evil work.


Having myself studied the Bible purposefully trying to understand the unseen realm according to the Bible, I am completely convinced that there are literal forces of darkness in play in this world. Further, that there are “princes” that are in charge of regions of planet earth, and that they all rule under their king, Satan, the Devil, the Great Deceiver. Satan is in fact the current prince or “god” of this world. So again, I have no disagreement with Cahn in this regard. I believe a unquestionable case is made in the Bible that these dark forces influenced entire cultures in history, and they do so today. I also completely agree that evidence of their influence is seen increasingly every day here in the West.


Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:29 p.m. No.19501446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1450



>>19501440 cont:


I also completely agree with Cahn regarding the influence that the first advent of the Messiah had on our world. With the coming of Jesus, came the coming of light to a spiritually utterly dark world. This spiritual light did in fact have the effect of sending the dark powers scampering for cover. Wherever the good news of Jesus was taken, the spiritual powers of darkness were exposed. The Western world was transformed.


But this is where I must take a moment and make the observation that it was not the power of the institutional Church that made this difference. Oh, yes the Church was used to spread the gospel, but it is not the Church that made the difference. It was the gospel itself as revealed by the Holy Spirit to individuals. The manmade institutional Church is made up of traditions, religious practices, cultures, and doctrines, that are often times off base. For every positive thing you may credit to it, there are two evil things that you will try to forget about or at least justify. No, it was not the will and efforts of man that sent the dark powers running, it was the will of God and the efforts of His Holy Spirit.


So, is it the failure of the Church now that has allowed the evil forces of yesteryear to again become successful, or is it the will of God? Whereas I think Cahn implies that it is the first, I argue for the latter. God is either setting the ground work for allowing another great civilization in world history to collapse as has happened many times before, or He is raising the curtain on the final act of this age. Either way, the powers of darkness are always willing to step in and play their part.


I also differ with Cahn regarding his definition of what constitutes a “god.” He says, “One’s god is that which is one’s ultimate reality.” And, “The very act of creating an idol or a god is to forge out of nothing a new absolute.” Cahn appears to overcome his own statements by making the case in the rest of the book for three different gods which exist whether or not they are believed in or even recognized. They are real beings. Independent agents which have their own agendas and can affect the physical world. One can choose to believe in one or all of them. One can have a favorite god and still worship and believe in many others. You can ask a favor of the gods, and they may bring about that favor independent of anyone else’s actions. This is different than a god that only exists in one’s imagination. And it is also different than what many modern pastors say constitutes a god; anything we seem to value more than the authentic God of the Bible. Like money, or our family, or a really nice car. I can pray to a stack of cash, and it will just sit there. It has no will or agenda or even the ability to multiply itself on its own.


This is difficult to illustrate, but it is this point that causes me difficulty with what Cahn is saying. He is implying that our American culture has come to worship these gods without even really realizing it or recognizing them as gods. In ancient times, to borrow a term from the law, people “knowingly and intentionally” worshipped Baal, Molech, and Ishtar by name. Today, according to Cahn, our Western Culture is unknowingly worshipping Baal, Molech, and Ishtar through the actions we are taking. As though we have been deceived into worshipping what we don’t even realize exists. In other words, Cahn says that although people may not ever admit to worshipping an ancient god of Mesopotamia, they unknowingly will worship them by supporting abortion or marching in a pride parade.



Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:30 p.m. No.19501450   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>19501446 cont:


Maybe Cahn’s point isn’t so much that our society has knowingly and intentionally surrendered to the ancient gods and embraced them, as much as those gods are in control of what is going on in the world without most being aware of it. If that is what Cahn is saying, I again agree with Him. I will however add that it is God whose will is temporarily allowing the gods to be in control to tell the story of redemption He has written.


Towards the end of the book Cahn makes a powerful case illustrating the possibility that the ancient god known as Ishtar has taken control of much of our American culture today. Cahn provides specific events and dates that come together to make a compelling case. However, you can use the type of case he puts together to prove almost anything, by cherry picking details from history and making connections between those details while ignoring others which don’t agree with the case you are trying to make. At the very least, Cahn’s narrative is interesting and causes one to think.


In the end, I believe the specific points Cahn is trying to make are possible but unprovable short of Jesus returning and telling us Cahn was right: that Ishtar, Molech, and Baal are again actively at work in our world. However, what I believe is completely true is that despite not knowing their particular names, real, dark, unseen, spiritual forces are at work in our world today, perhaps more than ever in this generation. They are playing out their parts in God’s Divine Drama. Whereas Cahn associates particular societal behaviors in our culture with particular deities, I would attribute what we are seeing today to common themes of evil which can be observed across the world and throughout time. In other words, what ever spirits may be doing their damage in America today, they at least have a lot in common with Baal, Molech, and Ishtar.


If reading The Return of the Gods does nothing more than raise one’s awareness as to the reality of the unseen spirit world and the affect it can have on the physical world, it is a worthy read.

Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:30 p.m. No.19501453   🗄️.is 🔗kun



George B. Lujack

5.0 out of 5 stars Great Insightful Book

Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2023

Verified Purchase


If you want to know why people are acting lawless and insane in these end times, buy this book. Jonathan Cahn deciphers a parable of Yeshua (Jesus) regarding a man believing in Him and demons fleeing from him, then the man sweeps himself of belief, and then demons return to the man. The last state of the man is worse than when he was first possessed. Who are these demons? Scripture mentions them, but to know all about them, secular references are needed. Jonathan Cahn did a great job of revealing who these demons are and what their evil agenda is.

Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19501456   🗄️.is 🔗kun




5.0 out of 5 stars A MUST READ

Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2023

Verified Purchase


This book has been described as “Explosive”—and it is. It SO is! So relevant, eye-opening, prophetic, almost overripe for the times—but there’s hope.


If you find this present culture in which we live confusing and dark, this book will shed clarity and light. If you need or want an explanation for what you see manifesting, going down around you that has spread like fuel-fed wildfire, affecting every age and gender, this book will take you to where things started and how it got to where we are today. Historical, relative, well researched, smartly written, remarkably presented, this book leaves your mouth hanging open with astonishment.


Understand precise malevolent spirits. The origins of ancient evil, and what it looks like when it’s returned: a rampant masquerading and celebrating of a different kind of rainbow than that of God’s promise. One that blurs, consumes, persuades, and bullies, taking over every nook and cranny of our societies worldwide.


Written by Messianic Jewish Rabbi, Jonathan Cahn, The Return of the Gods is a humdinger. Brave is he who speaks the truth against the suppressive current of so-called tolerance that is tolerant of everything but the one truth, Yeshua, who sets us free from sin and death.


Most recommended is this book! I mean it. This is a must-read, like, put it as #1 on your reading list and get cracking. Time is of the essence; so is fate.

Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19501458   🗄️.is 🔗kun



E. Cary

5.0 out of 5 stars Jaw dropping revelations…

Reviewed in the United States on August 18, 2023

Verified Purchase


… at first I was very discouraged and amazed at the unbelievable correlation between Pride month and everything that happened at Stonewall that precipitated the beginning of the return of the gods. I have read almost all of Jonathan Cahn's books, but this one was phenomenal in his exposing what was happening in America. Every person should be reading this book, but they have to be ready spiritually to accept his revelations. I was as so relieved to read the last chapter and the Epilog that God has not forsaken us and is the light in the darkness. Phenomenal book and a must read to understand what is happening and why. It will blow you away!

Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19501460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1465



Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars thought provoking, challenging and convicting

Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2023

Verified Purchase



There’s no denying the Hand of God behind the correlations of the Bible and our culture.

Not only a call to repentance for those who don’t believe but also a wake-up call for those of us who believe and desire to follow Jesus.

Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:35 p.m. No.19501484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1503 >>1514



The Prince of Persia At Work in The Modern World | Jonathan Cahn Sermon


(from "Prince of Persia" - Part 1)


Message Of The Week -


A mysterious principality who appeared in ancient times, the question of its appearance in modern times, even behind current events, and the revelation of what it has to do with your life, spiritual warfare, and attacks. What it reveals, and how to turn it all around for victory.

Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 12:39 p.m. No.19501503   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Persia is Iran

Iran is Persia





↻ ↑ 50 posts


Do not forget Iran

it is on deck?j





Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 479712 No.360296 📁

Feb 13 2018 01:56:23 (EST)

Operation Merlin (tech).



Iran Deal (funding).



>T cells


NK Nuclear (mini suc)(icbm suc)

>War engine





Q !UW.yye1fxo No.101 📁

Feb 18 2018 16:07:46 (EST)

"Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!"

Re_read crumbs.

What is the reason this is being brought back up?

There is a purpose for every tweet and crumb dropped.

Follow the money.

Future proves past.

The Great Awakening.








Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 27d57d No.594016 📁

Mar 8 2018 19:55:52 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 576924 No.593959 📁

Mar 8 2018 19:53:28 (EST)





Thank you Kim.

Deal made.

Clowns out.

Strings cut.

We took control.

Iran next.




Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 26e3a8 No.678119 📁

Mar 15 2018 18:36:51 (EST)

Iran next [].

RT days after.

RT Kenya.

No coincidences.










Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 1:33 p.m. No.19501743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1746



>Today he is tweeting about the religion Epstein and Gates and other elites adhere to.




You might not believe in this stuff, but the regime does. We all need to reacquaint ourselves with the religious beliefs held by Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, and so many others.

Anonymous ID: 3a80ea Sept. 6, 2023, 1:34 p.m. No.19501746   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>The Return of the Gods, Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America.


>The mystery involves the gods. Who are they? What are they? And is it possible that these beings, whose origins are from ancient times, are the unseen catalysts of modern culture?