Bring back Jeb Bush.
It's fear.
NSA should dump that too. A little present to UK glowies for helping American glowies commit treason.
kek, Sir. kek o7
Why capitalize "Fedboi"? Does it hold some special meaning to you?
I couldn't help but notice that you capitalized that word too…
Yep. They're dumb.
It'll be okay.
I'm cool.
Fucking kek
Imagine getting tested.
But is it racist?
Good. Keep him about 7000 miles away from the US.
I like Jews. The ADL has probably done more damage to them than anything else I can think of in the 21st century.
Glorious. Too bad about the chef tho.
Forgot about them.
They don't really strike me as the God fearing type.
Historians will probably be banned.
What are his credentials besides being a traitor's sperm?