a picture of a rear end but
there is no way to know if it's a guy or a girl.
see why porn is bad, they make people lust
and they don't even know what they are lusting for.
the fact of the angle of the shot, and the tarted up clothing is reason enough to say
this is crap, and doesn't belong in my life.
but then the shills will call me names and question my manhood.
meanwhile they try to stir up the horniness in men to control them and they have the nerve to question me when I say 'this is a shill post that would post such an image'.
once they can trigger you to start in with your lower chakras, then they start in with other base instincts like anger to further control you.
they say things like 'have some tits' as if they are feeding you and you are salivating for it.
is this really the person you want to be? controlled by foreign shills who post tarts of dubious gender? and act as if you're their cuck and throw you a bone of 'tits'?