all I know is Stephen Smith's /OUR JEW/
it's a foggot test, if you believe in it
who's the idiot? They'll take an exosome, which is indeed the same one they used to call a "cold", and compare to a sample that they arbitrarily termed 'covid'
Then you test pos for covid
your doc is a grifter and a scam artist, take zinc and ivermectin, then you wont care what you had
you could make the same posts without that faggoty avatar
I only like the ones that make fun of you
everyone is winning (but the jews) and nobody knows it (but the jews)
announce yourself, post garbage and annoy every anon, then do a smug meme
that's you, every bread
wtf Gouveia reads Daily Stormer
kek. didn't know hefner was jewish.
but when will he make them mandatory
>Tucker Live
>well not live but here is the interview
gotta put the rothschilds in jail, and the rockefellers, oppenheimers, and every banker
who cares about "Biden"
it hangs for a minute before you can play it